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Subject: and the sky blue when the innocent cry

the mime
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Date Posted: 00:58:42 06/02/02 Sun
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In reply to: Naamah Trivia 's message, "Kiss & Tell" on 00:43:17 06/02/02 Sun

he quietly diverts his gaze in supposed disinterest when the female leaves his side, steadily climbing to his feet with the grace of his kind and thoughtfully strolling away to examine the perimeters, broodingly glaring at the sky, his gaze gradually diverting to the duo who seem to have finished their discussion.

grunt flees from nares in the form of a sneeze and he shakes his large skull to rid himself of the offending scent that sets off his allergies. grumbling in mild agitation he sets his piercing eyes upon the youth, observing it in an apathetic manner, lowering skull to curiously sniff at it's offensive scent.

descending of pate in a nodding gesture is given in response to the greeting, diverting his eyes to Naamah for a moment before sighing softly and succumbing to the fact that he shall have to share her. mentally growling his complaint to this reality he nudges the younger indolently. "i am the mime...and you are?" he asks, tilting skull in a questioning movement.

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Subject Author Date
Promises PromisesNaamah Trivia01:22:36 06/02/02 Sun

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