Subject: Promises Promises |
Naamah Trivia
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Date Posted: 01:22:36 06/02/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
the mime
's message, "and the sky blue when the innocent cry" on 00:58:42 06/02/02 Sun
..Ever Hear That Little Voice Inside Your Head… ..Telling You To Be Naughty?..
Irritation upon the male‘s part is quickly sensed, yet no action is taken, full trust invested in the male. Soft gaze is sent down upon her charge, before a soft nod is given.
..Trivia, why don‘t you go and play with River Heart, I need to discuss something with The Mime..
A sharp glare is given to the creature as she takes a few moments too long to exit, yet a soft chuckle is given as the youngling scurries off in a rush, again picking upon the constant chattering. A sly glance is cast toward the male before figure stands. Lithe physique bends around the male‘s, wings unfurling slightly, creating a sort of curtain between her and the rest of the world. Cranial is placed directly next the male‘s lobe, hushed words being directed toward the male. After several moments of hushed conversation, hellion pulls her dial away, a wicked grin upon her lips. And don‘t think I don‘t mean it, either.
..You Thought It Was Just All In Your Head, Didn’t You?..
..The Darkness Follows.. ..In My Foot Steps..
Just as name is about to be told to the male, gaze from Naamah is caught, and a questioning gaze is returned to the female. With a bemused gaze, young creature continues.
A soft squeak is given as she is rewarded with a glare. Chatter again arises from fem, going on and on about something that none can understand, nor would care to.
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