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Date Posted: 12:09:35 06/01/02 Sat
Author: Spider
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Subject: |x|.sweet victory.|x|
In reply to: Des 's message, "...Winds of Rapscallion..." on 13:34:20 05/31/02 Fri

|.Cruel optics watch fatale closely,sight allowed not to leave 'er.|
See's 'er snapping dents
Crest extends,nipping 'er sharply..telling her that would not be tolerated
Restrains the urge to follow she
Protection,yes,was necessary
Yet not from the one she had come from
He could be easily shaken off
Yet the bronc worried 'bout the o'ters
The ones that could match 'is strength..the o'ter blackbloods
Shakes ebon dial
That shall not be a possibility.If I do not bother them,they shall not bother me..at least not at the present
Nasils catch yet again the scent 'o brute whom she had come from
Rage burns in occuli
Anger filled snort emitted
Frame is thrown forth af'er bruja
Mus'ular shoulder pins she to nearby tree
Rumbles quietly
'Stand and I shall not be rough wit' you.But if you fidgit and decide not to co-operate it will be hurtful'
Releases 'is grip,waiting for 'er reaction
|.Beware the spider with four legs..for he is poisonous.|

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