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Subject: [:].:.[:]

The First(egg 2)
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Date Posted: 19:35:21 09/01/02 Sun
In reply to: F&B Lost Darkness 's message, ":: Smile :: :~:Arrival:~:" on 19:20:32 09/01/02 Sun

Royal blue orb shakes.
A quiver, a tremble.
A tremor...
Series of small cracks emerge, running along the surface of the egg until, finaly, he was free.
Ah yes, the royal blue egg falls away, revealing the first of three.
A male, built as his father but with a lanky touch of his mother.
Each scale painted a deep royal blue, and edged in a white outline.
He was unique.
Glistening golden orbs are revealed, gazing upon his mother for the first time.
Catlike pupils focus on her, then small black crown swivels around and gazes upon his father.
With the cutest noise possible, the male topples back, knocking into the bronze egg.
Snorting softly, he attempts to right himself and face the darkest black under body to the floor once more.
Blue hued pinions flare out, then fal back to his slender body.
Same design and color as his body...
Dark talons and claws bend in perfectly to his mothers scales as he tests them out on her scales.
Wrinkles small nose as they turn away, leaving no mark.
Still soft...
The first hints of a ridge of spikes along his back can be seen as the male meanders around the small area, still enclosed in his mothers tail.
And even more obvious, the start of two black horns upon his crown.
Growls softly as five digit wings slip away from his boy once more.
Leaves them to drag at his sides, finding them a burden at the moment.
Sits still finally and peers up at his parents once more before turning his attention onto the other to orbs.
What could they possibly be?

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Subject Author Date
(*)Slim Appearance(*)HeLl SiNgEr19:37:40 09/01/02 Sun
    Bronze egg begins to tremble....EGG #1 and CHRISSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:37:20 09/01/02 Sun

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