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Date Posted: 18:50:16 08/31/02 Sat
Author: .celes and friends.
Subject: .blank stare.
In reply to: Jelonna 's message, "Of Course!" on 18:34:02 08/31/02 Sat

Celes grabbed a roll obediantly as she mulled Jelonna's words over. She liked the Headwoman very much, even though they had just met. "How do you know about the clutch?" Celes blurted out, quite uncharacteristicly. She flushed. "I'm sorry. That was quite rude of me. You don't need to tell me." Celes apologized quickly. Even if she was disguised as a boy, by Faranth she wouldn't stop being polite! Celes polished off the roll as Kier nibbled at some meat. Was she really this rude beneath her polish as Lady Celeste? Celes hoped not- ferverantly. It annoyed her enough when people were less then polite. And she would be a hypocrite if she was like that! Celes set her jaw slightly, hoping against hope Jelonna wouldn't notice, and reached for another roll. It seemed that safest thing to do under the circumstances.
"Umm, Jelonna?" Celes ventured. "Would you happen to have anything to drink? I usually just have a roll and klah, but if you don't, I'm sure I could find something." Celes hated sounding like a dimglow and babbling, but there was really nothing else to do besides look like a dimglow and eat enormous amounts of food. But didn't males eat a lot of food? Celes suddenly felt overwhelmed. Maybe it would be better if she just stuck to the 'Barracks. No one would bother her (that much) there. Kier cheeped scathingly in Celes's ear. He certainly didn't want to stay in Celes's dorm. And Celes needed him to look after her. So of course Celes would wander around the Weyr! Celes scowled at the blue, forgetting, briefly, that Jelonna would see.
"You be quiet." she muttered to Kier. "I don't have to listen to you." Kier chirped witheringly. Celes's scowl deepened. "I know I will too. You don't have to rub it in. And don't you dare say 'I told you so.'" Celes murmured to the blue, the noise audible only to Kier. Celes was vaguely glad of the noise of the dining hall. She didn't think many people talked to their flits as if they were people, in all actuality, Kier was acting like an annoying older sibling, reguraly. Kier refrained from commenting, as he was engrossed in another bit of meat.

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