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Date Posted: 17:48:06 03/20/02 Wed
Author: Brynn
Subject: Relief
In reply to: Filar 's message, "ĪSmilesĪ" on 16:03:32 03/20/02 Wed

Smiling at Dajan, she gestures to the half-finished dough sitting on a baking tray on one of the tables. "I got a start on some rolls, but I don't want to abandon the spit in case these should happen to burn..." She takes a glance over at the clay dish which had the roots baking in it, and tries to remember how long ago she'd put them there. "But first, would you mind checking the roots? I really don't want them to end up burning...burned roots are horrible to look at and smell, let alone taste."

She turns back to the spit for a few moments, trying to think of whether she saw anything in the stores that she could use to make desert. Recalling a small container of marshberries, she decides on making some tarts, as soon as the herdbeast cuts are finished roasting. She glances up suddenly and says with a smile, "Oh, Dajan, thanks so much for helping me. I was afraid for a moment there that I'd be left doing this all myself," she says with a light laugh, then turns to see Filar come into the kitchen calling for her.

"Oh! One of your flits hatched," she says, smiling and wondering how much longer until her little wonder is brought into the world. "Well there should be some scraps just inside the door of the storage room," she states thoughtfully, gesturing towards a door a few paces away. "If not, then cut yourself a few pieces off one of the larger cuts in there."

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