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Date Posted: 17:13:47 03/21/02 Thu
Author: Varda
Subject: Re: ~*Starts*~
In reply to: Jiania 's message, "~*Starts*~" on 17:00:22 03/21/02 Thu

Varda noticed Jiania's laying down utensils. She sensed Jiania's mood. "I think she wants to do it alone?" Varda whispered quietly. She started out to help the girl, but a small chirp drew her back. Jawing dropping, Varda hit herself on the head. She had been so involved with Jiana, she had missed the hatching of her flit. Varda sat down beside the bowl, her skirts fanning out around her. She had never worn men's gear, like Jiania, but she knew she would soon have to. She laid out a hand to the baby flit. Grinning, she noticed it was brown. "Come here, Shatit." Varda coaxed the brown nearer to her.

"Brynn..." Varda stumbled into the kitchen and flumped down beside her friend. She ran a hand through her hair. "He's hungry but I can't find any food....someone must have moved the bowl I had put out." Varda grinned as she saw the bowl Brynn was using. She delicately picked out wherry and slipped them into Shatit's open mouth. Smiling, Varda scratched Shatit's chin. "Love you, Shatit." Shatit chirped back, lovingly. Varda couldn't tell if it was out of gratefullness, of the food. Or if Shatit actually loved her too. "Tell you a secret, Shatit." Varda lowered her voice so Brynn wouldn't hear her. "I've never been fully loved before. So if I make mistakes, tell me?" Shatit nodded. Varda hugged the body softly. "Thanks, Shatit." Varda laughed and put another wherry strip in Shatit's open mouth.

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