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Date Posted: 17:34:45 03/21/02 Thu
Author: Brynn
Subject: Relaxes for a few moments
In reply to: Varda 's message, "Re: ~*Starts*~" on 17:13:47 03/21/02 Thu

Seeing Varda settle with her new little brown, she allows herself to sit back in her chair and stare into the firelight thoughtfully for a little while, still absently petting Nien, who croons lightly in his sleep. She considers how far she's come in the past couple of days, and gives a light sigh, wondering what would happen in the future.

She makes one definite decision: Whether she Impresses or not, she was going to stay at the Weyr, possibly try to become headwoman should she not Impress. And if she did Impress...the possibilities were endless. She had always wanted a friend to share all her worries, joys, sadness, and hapiness with, but had never really gotten it. Back at her Hold, almost everyone in the Lower Caverns had been kind to her, for they all knew of her past and her future, which was one in the same: being locked in the kitchens, forever. Nien, the human, not the flit, had been the closest thing to a true friend she'd ever had, but he had been killed in the same accident as her mother four Turns ago.

Now, sitting in a Weyr kitchen with a newborn fire lizard curled up in her arms, her future seems bright and shining, no matter what the outcome of the Hatching. Suddenly, Nien chirps and wakens from his brief nap, yawning and then climbing up her arm and onto her shoulder. He clings lightly to her ear with one claw and her hair with the to keep himself balanced, then hums lightly in her ear as she stands to see what has progressed in the dining hall since she's been thinking.

Incredibly pleased and suprised to see everything set, she ventures back into the kitchen to fetch the rolls made by Dajan and set them out for people to munch on as they arrive.

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