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Date Posted: 05:34:48 03/23/02 Sat
Author: Avidail
Subject: ~Sliding In~

Avidail walked into the crowded Dining Hall. The news of her arrival had reached the dragonriders, that she was sure of. Avidail mentally cursed herself. She had heard the comment about a bronzerider coming to Minerva. It probably won't be R'geto. Avidail told herself again. I've finished with him. she thought firmly, mouth pressing into a small scowl. Avidail remembered the fight, before he had gone to Impress. Water. I am a lake, not rippled by wind. R'geto is but a cloud. Avidail calmed herself like she was taught. She had been raised to show no emotion and be fair, even if it killed her. Avidail looked down at the bundles in her hand. Hadn't the Weyrwoman said they were supposed to go to the kitchens? Avidail's eyes lightened a little. She didn't want her small charges to be taken care of by someone other than herself. Still... Avidail moved silently through the crowds, feline-like. Her lithe body slid through the crowds easily, as if she was made of air. Her eyes happened to land on a girl with black hair, not unlike her own. The woman seemed to be older than her, and standing apart from the other Candidates. Bronze and green flits sat on her shoulders. Avidail wondered why she stood alone. She looked at the other group of Candidates. There seemed to be three girls, one with flaming red hair. Avidail grinned slightly. She must have a temper. Another girl, short, with black curls stood with her, along with a brown haired girl. Two boys stood with them. Avidail hesitated. She had been trained to speak to the lonely first. Or first she should take care of her eggs? Avidail's mind was made up as an egg moved slightly in her right hand. Sliding into the kitchens, she placed her eggs in the bowl on the hearth. As a precaution, Avidail took two scraps of frabic, her name embroidered on them, and stuck them with the eggs.
"Hello? My name is Avidail." Avidail nodded her head to the girl with bronze and green flits. "And you are?"

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