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Date Posted: 19:05:56 06/20/02 Thu
Author: Jay Dee
Subject: Re: Acts 2 - "gift of the Holy Spirit"
In reply to: Doug 's message, "Re: Acts 2 - "gift of the Holy Spirit"" on 19:27:31 06/18/02 Tue

Thanks for the response Doug. I am sorry if you are irritated by my insistence on bringing in other passages. When doing any kind of in depth study, I believe both in being thorough and wrestling honestly with every single text, even if it doesn't appear to add anything to the discussion.

Looking simply at the Lucan writings, I think we are both in agreement that there were those who received the Spirit. I think we are also in agreement that there are a variety of ways that people referred to it, such as the gift of the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Spirit, having the spirit fall on them, etc. etc. etc. I think we are also in agreement that each of the cases of the spirit coming on someone in Acts all refer to the same type of filling, or manifestation.

It appears that what we are in disagreement on is whether the "indwelling of the Spirit" is the same as being "filled with the Spirit" in the book of Acts. Would I be correct in assuming that you believe that the "indwelling" as it is called is not mentioned in Lucan writings at all?

I think the next step is to look at other New Testament documents concerning the Spirit. John would be the next natural choice, then the Pauline writings.

If I understand you correctly, you would probably say that the "indwelling" is something unique to the Pauline corpus. Is that a correct assumption?

As for Luke 11:13, I think I understood you to say what it does not mean. So what DOES it mean? That is what I have been puzzling over. As I continue to read through Luke and Acts, the only "asking" I see is when someone asks for the Spirit to be given to someone else, but not themselves.

I think the question is whether the indwelling is even taught at all in the Lucan writings. I think we are both in agreement that the Spirit was given in Acts, that is without a doubt. Luke makes it clear that it was promised in the Gospel of Luke, and demonstrates how it came about in Acts. The question is whether the Spirit that was given was meant to be for all believers. Is the "gift" and the "indwelling" the same thing? I am not sure that this question can be fully answered simply from the book of Acts. It could be effectively demonstrated either way from the passages we have already looked at.

Where shall we go next? John or Paul?

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