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Date Posted: 15:20:57 11/28/02 Thu
Author: [critic]
Subject: [you can do better]
In reply to: Obsidian 's message, ".aaaaaaaloha!. [everyone!]" on 14:34:21 11/28/02 Thu

[my mommy always said that i was a peach. she was right. i just have hard pit.]
[i pry off the greedy fingers of death, cheating at it's own game. i leave the bomb sight, leaving behind the murdered bodies, only the stained ground a marker of where they were slain. the battle field smells rancid, the result of decomposing forms laying on the ivory and unharmed snow. i live in the shadow of guilt because i listened. i ran like my momma said to do when that bastard scarred her fragile soul. i ran like a coward. i did not survive. i dies that night as i watched my father kill her. slowly. he ruined any chance i would ave of living a life of no lies.]
[pretty funny. you try to kill yourself and the whole world laughs. succeed and they do the same.]

[the lone creature wrapped her abused skeleton in the undergrowth, a snarl playing hide and seek on her ripped and shreaded mug shot. lupine nails grip the soil and keep her life steady. it was a useless cause. her barbie doll tail swings back and forth as pendulum would, keeping the time with it's steady pace. it hung mere inches from the spoiled ground that had long ago lost it's innocence, as she had. life screwed one life after another. was life. the price you pay fro breathing. canines are revealed, her last meal absent from the jaws of her skeleton. throw grips her anemic body, her rib cage merely a couple stix holding her sides out. the creveces apparent on her. lungs put unneeded pressure on her cage, pelt was returning to what it once had been before the snow had come. as was her meat and muscle. if only she could fall. and never be found.]

my name to blame
the looks i possess
the reason i am what i am
[football star .x. lead cheerleader]
i could have died
[four friggin winters in a row]
i have been called many things,
but you can call me

ooc: okay, umm, i got tired of guilty, so here is her replacement, tada. critic. hope she gets along better than guilty. so take critic off and add her. sorry to use the joining post. i need to think about how to post for a chica i play at an other game so she dun die. heh. long story.

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  • [. WaTcH yOuR bAcK .] -- [. SiLeNt StAlKeR .], 18:54:27 11/28/02 Thu

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