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Date Posted: 18:54:27 11/28/02 Thu
Author: [. SiLeNt StAlKeR .]
Subject: [. WaTcH yOuR bAcK .]
In reply to: Obsidian 's message, ".aaaaaaaloha!. [everyone!]" on 14:34:21 11/28/02 Thu


[. ThEsE tHoUgHtS oF mInE .]
[. so, here is our king. nice to meet him eh? talks about building a rep? easy as pie. though it will make if tough if these wolves would actually respond to me. geeze. well. lets get going with the 'meet and greet' ..

[. ThEsE sTuBbOrN aCtIoNs oF mInE .]
[. wenchs lithe frame made its way to the leaders presence. pate bobbed in respect for the other. paws step boldly. each move she made was planned out carefully before. she knew what she was doing. there was no way around it. her whole life was thought of movement by movement as the seconds wear on. that is how her rep is made. her preciseness. never making a mistake. the others will find out soon. aurilces flicker atop her crown. chiseling away madly. though her own sense was cool and open. she wasn't an open book. her mother had locked it up and thrown away the key. an alligator had swallowed it. terantuline ferumberating as cool melodic tune was released. .]

[. ThEsE wReTcHeD wOrDs I sPeAk .]
[. well well well, finaly i get to grace my presence to you? so you point out a way to get higher? oh i've tried. and i wont give up. its just that no one seems to want to play with me. lol. well, lets see what your females can do shall we? as you know im silent stalker. your newest acquaintence. newest member of the den. .]

x silent stalker x
x outkast of flickering fire den x
x bound to none x

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  • chill of the north wind/ call of the wild -- windy / strider, 19:30:29 11/28/02 Thu

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