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Date Posted: 19:30:29 11/28/02 Thu
Author: windy / strider
Subject: chill of the north wind/ call of the wild
In reply to: Obsidian 's message, ".aaaaaaaloha!. [everyone!]" on 14:34:21 11/28/02 Thu

the two snlink out of their hiding spots.. they had feared for the worst and it wasnt even as bad as they had thought it would be. windy nudges obsy.. she knew she couldnd handle it.. seh was honoured by trying but she knew she had failed.. but she was happy she had the chance to show herself worth but her plans to do so were soiled by inocesnt but ignorant wolves.. but that was in the past and she wanted to show obsy she was better than that... but how.
strider emmited a small yip.. anoucing he was still here... he was always here but for the last few weeks he had been quiet to stay out of his leaders way..

obsy i thought you would have exiled me.. i did such a poor job on the raid. i just knew i shuld have been kicked out then and there.. windy felt the same way.. but she is scared to talk with you right now. please accept my sorries for not speaking.. but i have been hunting for you .. and the others i keep myself on my stump watching the wilderness for food. please if there is any way windy and i can show we are worth to you tell us.. pardon my ignorance sir. but i am but a mindless dolt.. and you are the great power of whats behind me.....

ooc: sorry sorry sorry!!! if you read my post below or on ooc you might understand whats going on.. and im sorry for my bad post and im sorry for such bad wolves ive been... :( :( :(

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  • hmm -- phire, 21:00:35 11/28/02 Thu
  • >phire< -- Obsy, 05:32:12 11/29/02 Fri

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