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Date Posted: 09:50:58 01/04/03 Sat
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..A fallen angel..]
In reply to: [ tranquility ] 's message, "[ queeen of hearts || all in NOW! NO EXECPTIONS! ]" on 16:36:04 01/03/03 Fri

[..a fallen angel..]
[..All thoughts of my masters cries go unheard and my main focus is given to the lupine queen tranquility. Obsidian had been absent of late and I was not surprised. I had vocalised my opinions to him regarding how many of his pack could he trust. Most of the pack had no sense of loyalty, determination or aims. How many of them would die for their cause? How many of them could he never question their loyalty, even in the darkest of times? The darkness shrank as a deep growl was promulgated forth, alerting the alpha female to her presence. One receptacle constantly pushing forth before waiting to see if she would be granted a reply. A rare moment of helpfullness? No perhaps just an understanding that without immediate action the pack would crumble and fall and she was not one to stand for any forms of weakness. A sharp bark is instantly emitted to the queen, sorrow in her vocals as she noted the downfall of several members of the pack including their beloved Beta female..]

[..I am here, Tranquility. My ideas where plentyful at one time and I am here to aid in any which way that you deem suitable. Once I have completed my training, I will happily aid Tiger Eye to train the others or aid in the formation of plans, or increasing the activity level. Just name your desire for me to aid and I shall..]

[..a fallen angel..]

ooc: to Tiger Eye I'm working on that post when I have time. But with 13D (huge threads, mocks and improvements), school, after school stuff, WS and working at nshc I don't have a great amount of time to spend time on a post for Kyara, but it'll come soon ok. :)
And to Tranquility - you'll have to accept the wolves on obsy's behalf then :) I'll see if I can get the password for you when I next talk to her ok. If I have to I can bring Slowly Drowning back although I'd rather not. but whatever.

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  • call of the wild++++ life was here all along -- strider and wind dancer, 11:33:19 01/04/03 Sat

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