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Date Posted: 11:33:19 01/04/03 Sat
Author: strider and wind dancer
Subject: call of the wild++++ life was here all along
In reply to: [ tranquility ] 's message, "[ queeen of hearts || all in NOW! NO EXECPTIONS! ]" on 16:36:04 01/03/03 Fri

the two lupine move forth one of rank one of awaiting rank, the two walked in perfect motion to keep up with each other, tasils held low and coats thined out respect shown for the acting full leader altho respect had always been there they were evern lower than normal, respect was great and the words she had spoken were true they had become worhtless, a burden to their leader, masculines orbes glowed with hope that he could still change the way this pack was, a soft yip was emmited for the queen to hear, a yip speaking of how he would do anything she needed of him, he would do anything to help that was all he wished for, was to help, that is the way he has always been, but his life always seemed to backfire as others put him down, but this time he was going to do something different, he walked ahead of wind dancer up to his leader, low and humble,
shall i go and get some food m'lady
he seemed to say in his kindest softest lupine voice some what old english style if humans could understand such wind dancer moved forth her coat this and shaggy, mangey looking she had been away, trying to show her worth and when she had come home no one was around but strider, now she was here full time once more hungry but not for food, hungry for her home again, a sick feeling in her gut drove her home and now she was here but still she was missing something, that unknown thorns swiveled atop her dial as she looked around at what seemed to be pathetic little beasts, yes the master was correct
m'lady how had we become such pathetic little beasts, what is it that we may do to correct this please lead us on.

ooc: heya, i posted i would be away for a bit but im here, but i wont be actually here and able to be on the comp till school starts again, but i was able to post! lol sorry bout it its a tad crappy. :S oh well ill post better when i have time to be my babies!!!!! i might quit wind dancer, but ashe is my first wolf to wild soulz so im very "if-y" if you know what i mean, what do you think? alright beofr im kicked off the comp i better go look at everything els, ttyl

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  • here -- phire, 14:10:17 01/04/03 Sat

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