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Date Posted: 10:37:18 07/03/02 Wed
Author: mod
Subject: Re: Step up to the Plate
In reply to: Calm 's message, "Step up to the Plate" on 09:34:01 07/02/02 Tue

As it is, a letter was sent home stating that kids would have access to the P.E. room and library if it's 100 or more outside. Did you know that the library has NOT been accessible at this time, and the all those kids are either still outside or in the small P.E. room? Why is the library not open as stated in this letter, we ask? Or, according to you, are we not allowed to ask because we're just "whining"?

If the issue of P.E. heat and drinks during P.E. wasn't first brought up here, there would have been nothing done, just as nothing has been done the past few years. We think it's a sad commentary that our administration does not address it BEFORE it's a problem.

Here's where we disagree, calm. Bringing up issues here is to inform the parent community of things they are not explicitly told by the school. Just because you don't think problems exist doesn't mean they don't.

We've had good and "bad" teachers both, and the good teachers were exceptional. We're trying to look at the whole picture, and if there is low parent participation and morale, it's the school administration (not teachers) that sets the tone. Think of how much better we could be doing.

And just to let you know, we do email the principal with said issues, but she hasn't deemed it necessary to answer any other questions through email. Typical of this administration, sadly.

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