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Date Posted: 12:53:49 05/06/02 Mon
Author: mod
Subject: Re: Freedom of Speech
In reply to: Caol 's message, "Re: Freedom of Speech" on 12:26:16 05/06/02 Mon

I believe the majority of people who do sign up at the beginning of the year to volunteer have the best of intentions in doing so.

We had a Volunteer Coordinator in the beginning of the year, but since then, a paper was sent home with the students (can't remember which month) asking for someone to fill that position, so we can only assume someone had to step down from that position first. Is it filled? We were never informed.

The reason you have different positions on the PTA Board is because every position has a different duty. Dividing up the fundraisers, events and workload would result in a more efficient system. What we have here is a case of a few people (i.e. the PTA Board) trying to shoulder the load of volunteer work by themselves. It's too much for the same people, over and over again, so DELEGATE. The PTA president should not be running around trying to get everything done for each event. But because it's so insular and only a few people are asked to help out at each event, it becomes a huge job for the same people. Think of how much easier it would be if we could get more people involved. With information comes involvement, and that's why we're here to spread the word. If the PTA needs Field Day volunteers to hand out water, they should send that information out somewhere. If the PTA needs a Newsletter Coordinator, let us know and don't be upset because someone asks why there isn't a newsletter this year.

Reach out to the parent community at John R. Beatty and it may surprise you how many people will offer to help.

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