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Date Posted: 14:03:57 05/02/02 Thu
Greetings all...In addressing the usage of the word Nigga(er), we must look at it carefully and analytically to fully overstand the different sides of the coin. There are some who say that we should not use the word because it is negatively impactive on society, and that it fuels racism. I can see that angle....widespread use of the word nigga, does fuel racism, as it makes the two other races, caucasions and asians feel as if they have some "go-ahead" to utilize the word amongst themselves, referring to each other, and how they refer to us. Furthermore, it makes them assume that it is proper to use the word in addressing us, like they too have the bond we share.I can understand the view of those who feel the term is one of endearment, and if that is the general concensus (sp?) then that would be acceptable, within the selected group of those who find it appropriate However, in no circumstance, regardless of your personal view, do I think public use is acceptable. Saying that, because if not used in the proper context, the meaning may be construed and cause detriment to parties involved.
However, if you agree with the philosophy of Robert H. deCoy and have read "The Nigger Bible," the use of the word Nigger(a) is appropriate to refer to Black people because nigga simply refers to those who are proud to be black, and do not aspire to be "Niggers who Grow" or Negroes. (That is the root of that term) It is under this premise that I may use the term Nigga. Lastly, there is the flip side of that view in which we use nigga to refer to those of our race who have no aspirations, but to be the brunt of society. We must be careful with that view though because, we do not know what has happened to put people, especially Afrikan people, in the positions they are in. Furthermore, we cannot completely fault those who are out hustling, because as Brother Malcolm X said, everyone has a hustle, and situations inflicted upon the Black community, make a hustle necessary for survival. If we have no solution for their problems, who are we to fault them for how they solve them. They are doing the best they know how.
In conclusion (sorry for the extra long post), we must decide for ourselves which meaning we want to apply to the word Nigga. WE MUST DECIDE FOR OURSELVES...not any other group, for it is us who have been affected by the use of this word, and it is for us to decide what meaning we now wish it to carry. But, I definitely believe that this decision should be one made by us, and should be kept secret, within our community, so that only we use it. Guidance and love
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