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Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

Matt Munn
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Date Posted: 00:14:36 05/08/02 Wed
In reply to: Alonda Tann 's message, "Why can't we all just get along?" on 10:28:15 05/03/02 Fri

I was inspired by Sunshine to post this...
Taking into consideration the complexity of GODs work, don't we think that its ridiculous to expect everything to be so simple. Would it make sense for every person on this Earth to do exactly the same thing, the same way? First of all, thats impossible, and secondly, I mean, we are talking about GOD here! Just look at how diverse we are just within this one country. Billions upon billions of people have existed on this Earth since the beginning of time, speaking a wide range of languages, coming from a wide range of cultures, and experiencing life in extremely different ways. Do we think for one minute that we know all that GOD has in store for people. We don't know a thing about the complexity of the human mind, yet we somehow know everything about GODs mind. Do we think that it is as simple as, if you don't believe this or that like I do, then your gonna burn. I disagree completely. This is what man has done to the truth. Man has changed it into a simple thing, called it religion, and used it to control people. Historically - There were great civilizations with millions of people in North America, the Far East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc., way before and throughout the birth and spread of Christianity. I believe that what Jesus REALLY preached was waaaaaay bigger and deeper than we think. We all have a direct connection to GOD via our immortal spirits, and don't even understand it! Yeah, we say that by accepting this or that, or believing this or that, or by stopping this or that habit..we are suddenly spiritual people. We say that once we stop being "bad" and yada yada yada, we are now saved from eternal torture. But, I think that the truth of GOD and our true purpose in life is so much deeper than all of this. I think that we have merely scratched the surface at best!!! Every human being is born spiritually connected to the creator of the universe, and has to master his spiritual capabilities in order to become ONE with GOD, at which point he/she will really understand the point. The Bible is simply a tool to help us get there. It is no different than thousands of other things that can help us reach this union with GOD. This is what Jesus was preaching. WHo saw Stigmata??? Let me get to the point. Because every person is different, every person's path is different. The way that I meditate is different than the way the next man has to meditate. The way I fast and pray, is way different than the next man. Its more personal than we think. Don't let some council in Nicea, some pastor, or acquaintance tell YOU how to have a spiritual union/connection/relationship with GOD. You must understand that its in you. What we need to be doing, is helping each other get to that level by sharing our own experiences and discoveries. Its hard to explain what I'm trying to say here...but i'm trying. Basically, don't settle for all the regular stuff people try to feed you. And don't try to mimic the external religious practices of others thinking your going to get somewhere. If anyone wants to hit me up and talk more about this click my name, send an email, and we'll hook up...


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[> [> Subject: Re: Why can't we all just get along?

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Date Posted: 07:57:31 05/08/02 Wed

Your right, the Bible even states that no man can know the mind of God. But the Life of Christ in the Gospel draws clear conclusion about those who do not accept him. He gives parables of the wedding feast, parables of the harvest. These are teachings to show that those who don't believe in Christ will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ plainly states it in his own words. It's not a tradition of man, its the word's coming from the SON OF GOD. Now of course people are going to do things differently, but that does not nullify what the scriputre calls us to do. Our own ideas do not nullify scripture. Be very careful that you do not look for things that aren't there,the bible says that people have a hard time accepting the things of Christ because they want more, but what more can you ask for then eternal life and knowledge. God says he will open the gates of heaven for you if you accept his son and follow in his ways. This is not just talk. Everyone talks about spirituality, but getting saved does not make someone a saint. Sanctification is a process, not an automatic, make no mistake. We must continue to walk and as we do, we begin to become more spiritual and become less attached to the world and its desires. If you want true spirituality, then follow in Christ footsteps.Christ said in Mark 16:17 "Those who follow me will drink poison without harm,cast out demons in my name" How much more spiritual can we get, we will never be like God or Christ, but we can work many miracles through his name by allowing our bodies to be vessels for his use. Man seeks a solid answer and equation for eveything, but there comes a point where numbers and calculations must end and true faith must begin. God says the faith of a mustard seed is all it takes to move mountains. IF we believe and seek God with a pure heart he will manifest himself to us and answer our questions. Just be careful of your motives

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