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Subject: Heating Issues

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Date Posted: 07:21:19 09/10/02 Tue

Well I made it through my first trip to the dealer with all the mods i've done, and they didnt point the finger at any for a "over" heating issue I've been facing. The radiator was boiling over into the overflow bottle, and sometimes spilling out under hotter temps. I was really suspect of the Air compressor, but GM tech tells me its fine. My problem was due to a bad Radiator cap. It was not holding the pressure, and bleeding over. Pressure in the radiator lowers the boiling temp. So I feel much better now with that. The other issue that the tech. told me was regarding the 180 stat. It's not tripping the SES light, but it's tripping a code that GM can see on their computer. He told me that the 195 truely is the best for our motors. That possible issues of the engine getting warm is due to the computer sensing the motor NOT getting to Desired temps and maybe trying to compensate for this change in temps. Now like I've said before, my issue was mainly due to the E-Fan not moving enough air, I re-installed the Clutch fan and has been fine,.... but my problem is with the air on,... 95 degrees or better, its getting warmer than i like. The truck was boiling some antifreeze in the overflow... but he told me that the cap should take care of that issue.

I'm still in search of a larger radiator. I want my truck to run below 210 with the air on and 95 degrees out there. I will get one, and will do a mod page for it when I find just want I want. I looked into that radiator from the earlier post, and GM told me it wouldnt work with my truck. Not sure... but I'll take that with a grain of salt. So the search is on!

Sorry its long, but wanted to let you all know what came out of the higher temps issue I'm having. AND that the dealer had no troubles at all with the mods i've done.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Heating IssuesCon08:01:56 09/10/02 Tue
Re: Heating IssuesHenryJ15:27:19 09/10/02 Tue

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