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Date Posted: 15:54:51 05/09/06 Tue
Author: Jay
Subject: I tend to agree
In reply to: Jean 's message, "National Anthem" on 09:08:57 04/29/06 Sat

I don't care what language they use to sing the national anthem. I don't care what language people speak. I guess my libertarian side comes out strongest on this issue, because I'm basically a live and let live kind of person. I don't care so much about the security of our borders. Whoever wants to get here can get here if they want to bad enough. There's no stopping them. There are borders along the north where terrorists wearing trench coats loaded with suit case bombs could walk across unfettered. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I sort of got off track. I say, let them come, let them sing, let them work, let them fly their flag, let them protest, just don't let them infringe upon my freedoms or partake of entitlements that they haven't helped to pay for. Most entitlements are immoral and should be done away with, anyway.

There are many who still believe that the Bible is meant to be read only in Hebrew. So what?

Nuestro Himno sounds fine to me. If Bush had his way, we'd all be speaking German.

Sieg heil.


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