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Date Posted: 13:16:01 09/22/06 Fri
Author: TastingTheBlood
Subject: No fear
In reply to: Jay 's message, "The problem . . ." on 13:29:37 09/21/06 Thu

I have met dozens of people who are fed up that I KNOW will never make a first move, second, or even third.

The first moves will be made by those with the support of the Lord. AKA... A few righteous priesthood holders. These moves WILL be successful and rallying. Then, the network of friends behind these few will join, and their friends, and theirs, until finally, all who are fed up will join. How many people in this country are fed up at the loss of rights and the trampling of the Constitution? Not as many as their should be, but I'm going to say 30 million, just as a random number (even though many may not be educated enough on the subject to know WHY they are fed up and HOW to fix it). If 10% of those who are fed up actually rebel, then we will be in good shape. ; )

Know what's scary? A few months back, my Father told me of a dream he was having. He said he was fighting in State College, Pennsylvania, for some odd reason, with rebels, including many men from church, against homeland security and Chinese U.N. soldiers. He told me that he couldn't figure out why the U.N. troops were Chinese... About a month later, China announced giving 2 million troops to the U.N.

Its not going to be very easy, I don't think. But the Lord has risen up many souls throughout history to fulfill certain purposes, and he will do the same with this situation. SOuls like you and I have been risen for this very purpose. All we have to do is find the others.

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