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Date Posted: 23:38:30 06/27/02 Thu
Author: Qĺnsĺi
Author Host/IP:
Subject: .h.a.l.l.u.c.i.n.a.t.e.
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".nymph.pearl." on 02:43:36 06/24/02 Mon

. the transformation was made from dolphin to turtle in quick succession, the wet, rubbery skin replaced with a hard green shell . needless to say, she fit right in . the going was much slower, of course, with the mind remaining as quick-witted as ever . it was a stunning change, to go from dolphin to turtle . eventually, she might return to some other land - not this island . and once there, no longer would the female be a turtle . though it did sound interesting to remain that way for the return trip .

. but for now, this arrangement worked perfectly . she lounged in the sun for a bit, taking the chance to catch up on sleep and sun . you didn't sleep well when you were a dolphin . of course, those sea turtles were unable to completely protect themselves, and they couldn't exactly out-run a predator . so she didn't get as much sleep as she would like . maybe next time she'd turn into a cat . they slept a lot .

. when the being was restored to the vitality she held often, she slowly moved around the lands, exploring . the number of turtles - amphibians, right? - was simply incredible . the going was slow - well, it would be, if you were a turtle - and she took her time . near the shore, a glint sent her hurtling - about as fast as a turtle hurtles, which is pretty slow - toward the shore . the pearls seemed to take on a luminescence of their own, the deep colour drawing attention away from the vibrantly-hued sand . there were three, lying serenely upon the sandy loam . she paused a moment - she had heard the rumours about these islands, the dangers . did she dare? . but she was the daring sort, and so she touched each one lightly, unsure of any carrying method that would lend due respect to the supposedly-entrapped nymphs and at the same time allow her due regard and security for the apparently sacred treasure .

. a while of thinking brought her to a solution . she moved the three through the sand until hidden from the sight of the turtles . with a smooth motion, she transformed into first a kangaroo - where she deposited the three spheres carefully into her pouch - and then back to the turtle figure . she was quite adept at this changing business . she required no flashy movements or light . often none noticed these changes, unless looking at her directly . and so, with the treasures stored safely away, she took a bit of time to lounge in the sun, about half-way up the beach .

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