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Date Posted: 19:38:56 07/12/02 Fri
Author: lanie
Subject: Re: How does everyone keep up with so many fics?
In reply to: angela 's message, "Re: How does everyone keep up with so many fics?" on 22:19:05 07/08/02 Mon

I'm not on a ton of lists, oh thst's a lie, I'm on a ton of lists. It totally depends on the time factor and my mood. I check out almost anything rec'ed at the BBF list unless its a pairing or character I just know I won't dig(Giles/Ethan, anything Warren and Devon because I just so don't get that)...but I just don't stick to the pairings I like. The BBF list actually got me to read AtS fic. Unbelievable, but true-sometimes its all about reading something you normally wouldn't cause you know surprise and all. I've read some amazing Cordelia fic because of this list and Wes fic. Sometimes you just gotta' check stuff out you think you won't have an interest in.

But time constraints you shout! Go back to the groups message archives on some rainy Sunday when you're bored outta' your skull chickadee and you'll come across some gems.

Otherwise I always read stuff by authors who amaze me even in their most modest fic pursuits. I also check out recs that authors I dig make. Like if Anna S rec's a S/B you know I'm there. And my God if a Willow/Spike rec actually makes it to this list then I'm so all over it because that happens every third blue moon. Also anything that gets a buzz on this list I'm more likely than not to check out, whether the buzz is glory filled or differing...

BFA...yep. Ditto. I check it everyday and have come across some great stuff. Always something new.


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