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Subject: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Date Posted: 15:26:16 07/18/05 Mon

I have no idea how to make this BCR related, except to say that my memory of this book actually pre-dates my BCR years! I loved the book and original movie and was admittedly a little bit nervous about the "remake" (or "revisualization") - especially after hearing about the "changes" to the story, and seeing a pic of Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka interpretation. It's the kind of "weird" that could really go either way!

Now having seen the movie (twice!) I am happy to say that Tim Burton and crew did an absolutely wonderful job. The movie is very faithful to the book, the added backstory and slightly changed ending integrate with the overall story so well you'll wonder why they *weren't* part of the original. Depp is enchantingly bizarre and delightful to watch as always! Freddie Highmore makes a very endearing Charlie, and I especially enjoyed Missy Peel as Violet's mother. IMHO this movie will become every bit as much of a classic as the original. A definite two thumbs up from me!!

Would love to hear the opinions of anyone else who's seen it! :o)

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Thanks for your review, Connie. This is a movie I have been a little hesitant about, but I know I will check it out eventually. Like you, I have such fond memories of the book and the original movie, I didn't like the idea of a remake. (NT)Becky16:22:02 07/19/05 Tue
I went to see this movie tonight, and I need to think about whether I liked it or not. It was very bizarre, but there were some really funny parts. The sets were great, but I wasn't too crazy about all the extreme close-ups. Man, some of those people had some BAD teeth, LOL!! What can I say about Johnny Depp. I'm not sure I liked him in this part at all. Very mixed feelings about the whole movie, I guess. (NT)Becky20:54:08 07/30/05 Sat
I've never posted on this board, but I ran across this and had to say that I loved the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I thought Johnny Depp was very good in the Wonka part . I actually liked this movie better than Williy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and it was always one of my favorites. My nine-year-old daughter, however, still prefers the original, although she enjoyed the remake. I was really glad that they kept the other children's looks similar to those in the original. Made it feel familiar. Well, that's my review for you . . . . (NT)DebbieG14:21:38 08/11/05 Thu
I don't think that I've ever posted here, but thought I'd give you my review on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I took my 9-yr-old daughter and we both really enjoyed it. I liked it better than the original, although my daughter preferred Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I liked Johnny Depp in the role of Wonka though it was a bit dark (what a surprise . . . it is Johnny Depp). I liked the fact that they cast the children's roles with similar looking actors as the original. Two Thumbs up on this one! (NT)DebbieG18:04:13 08/13/05 Sat
Oops! Did I post this twice?? Sorry! (NT)Debbie18:05:45 08/13/05 Sat
No worries, Debbie - it's just that the messages take a while to appear because I have to approve them first. Personally I'd rather have an unmoderated board so that messages appear immediately, but unfortunately the spammers have made that impossible (for now, anyway). At any rate, I thought the movie (and Johnny Depp) was worth at least two reviews! ;o) In fact, I just might have to go see it again myself! (NT)Connie22:05:55 08/13/05 Sat

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