Subject: Sunday BCR Chat Revival |
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Date Posted: 17:32:16 11/30/05 Wed
OK....I miss yakking with other BCR fans, so now that I'm more or less settled in Denver, I would like to go ahead and "test drive" the idea of reinstating the old Sunday night BCR chats. I know it's going to be difficult if not impossible to accommodate seems there's always someone who can't access the chatroom, or for whom the date/time is inconvenient....which is why this is a "Test Drive"! We'll see how well it works and go from there.
Because the old AOL chat rooms were so convenient and easy to use, I'd like to try this out on AOL's AIM program. This is something that (theoretically) everyone should be able to access, particularly now that AOL has revamped and made a lot of it's content accessible for free. For those that don't already have AIM, here's what you do - go to and click on the AIM button. Download the FREE AIM software to your computer, and then choose a FREE screen name. Once you have done that, (or if you already have an AIM screen name and want to join the chat) e-mail me at and tell me what your AIM screen name is so that I can add you to the invite list, which will allow you to access the room.
In honor of the old AOL chats, the chat will be held on Sunday at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST - USA time. This first "test chat" will be this Sunday, December 4th. The name of the chat room is Rollin. You used to be able to access the chat rooms directly provided you had the name, but I confess I just downloaded the new version of AIM and I haven't figured out how to do that - although I suppose you could always just invite yourself! When the AIM panel opens on your computer, you will see three "buttons" that say IM, Talk, and Actions (which is a drop-down menu). Click on Actions, then on Buddy chat and fill in the name of the chat room. You may need to fill in your screen name as well. If you send me your name and I send you an invite, it should either bring you into the chat room directly or send you a link to connect.
I hope to see as many folks as possible join us!! I know we may have some "bugs" to work out but I'd really like to see these chats start happening on a semi-regular basis again. The BCR community is stretched way too thin these days and there are fewer gathering places for "all fans" to meet. So cross your fingers....and I hope to "see" you on Sunday!!
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