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Subject: It's BAAACK!!

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Date Posted: 12:14:57 08/27/06 Sun

So I'm sure you've heard about the Fan Fest being planned in Edinburgh for 2007? Well...I can't believe I'm actually doing this (considering the scope of the project), but if Jan is brave enough to plan another Fan Fest, how can I possibly do less than...bring back the BCR Fan Database??? The database was a great way of getting to know other fans. . .and I know there are a ton of "new" folks who have joined the online BCR World in the past few years.

So...consider this an invitation to join the ALL NEW Bay City Rollers fan database! I will be posting this invitation anywhere and everywhere in BCR land....as well as e-mailing folks who were on the old database. Just warning you now! For those who aren't familiar with the BCR Fan Database, read on! ---

In 1996, I put together the first database of on-line BCR fans, in the "hopes of a possible Roller reunion, and also to give support to the members' various solo projects." As you may know, those hopes came to fruition in 1999 when the BCR did in fact reunite for some special projects,including new music, several TV specials, and a special concert appearance for the Millennium!

Since 1996, the on-line fans have been gathering in various places around the globe, to share some of our favorite memories of BCR fandom, and to make new friends and new memories with fans from all over the world!! We're looking to bring the fans together again in 2007, so I've decided to re-create the database (which has been dormant for a few years) to help folks get re-acquainted, and to learn more about some of the "newer fans" in the online BCR world.

Incidentally, a few years ago I substituted the full database for an abbreviated online version that just included names, e-mail addresses (embedded as a link in the names, so that the address doesn't show on the page), and city/state/country locations. That database is now
hopelessly out of date and will be taken down. However, I may decide to revitalize it at some point, and I have included a question below that will allow you to opt in or out of inclusion in the online version, should that happen.

So – if you would like to get in touch with other fans, re-connect with old pen-pals, or get updated information on the band's current activities, I invite you to be a part of our worldwide BCR fan database! The database is FREE to all fans who participate. For the safety of the fans, it is my policy to only give out the database to fans who are included on the database. If you would like to be included on the database and receive a copy, please fill out the info and return it to me at Cojehali@aol.com. If there's anything on the form that you prefer to keep private, that's fine, just include whatever you feel comfortable sharing with other fans! Once the database is complete, I will be sending you a copy via e-mail (Excel format). If you have any friends who are Roller fans that would like to be included, please pass this info along to them! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I hope to hear from you soon!


***************INFO FOR BCR FAN DATABASE*******************

(Cut and paste this part back into an e-mail, and send to

Full name: (Gals – maiden name as well please, to assist in finding old pen-pals)

E-mail address(es):

Address: (prefer full address but at least city/state/country please!)


Fave Roller (past or present):

Phone: (OPTIONAL!!!)

Family info: (Married, Divorced, Single, Attached, name of
hubby/significant other, kids (how many, names, ages) or pets



Are you planning to attend the Edinburgh Fan Fest in April 2007?:

Are you interested in attending a US-based Fan Fest in late 2007?:

IF the online database is resurrected, is it ok to include your basic info as mentioned above (i.e., name [w/ e-mail link imbedded/not visible], and city/state/country location only)?:


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