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Date Posted: 11:18:38 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: .devil.without.a.cause.
In reply to: Skaroe Falke 's message, "Re: .angel.without.wings." on 11:14:35 08/12/02 Mon

Adrian hums to himself, settling down off to the side of Skaroe, smiling as the wine is brought. He blinks, looking at the unknown liquid, then calmly raises the glass and inhales hte scent deeply, then takes a sip... and seems to smile brightly.

"Good wine... Haven't had anything like this since we decided to have a party in the Forward Observation Pods when we successfully captured three Unseen ones... hm... Speaking of rain, LV-1201 is constantly cloudy.. No rain, though. Any rain that does flow is usually poisonous and corrosive. I remember one of the security guards being caught off his watch in a rainstorm. Poor guy..."

He shakes his head, then sips hte wine again, sighing.

"Found him a day later, just bleached bone. An unfortunate death..."

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