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Date Posted: 20:08:06 09/16/02 Mon
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: The hunt.
In reply to: Lady Milandra 's message, "Re: It starts, yet again." on 18:04:01 09/15/02 Sun

Adrian chortles out his success, grinning as he stares at the top of a post. He flicks the new weapon up, blowing on it's tip in a ceremonious manner, then walks over to the post, moving his hand over it. He smirks.

"Test one... Success. Chrono-blaster successfully displaced Test Apple One."

He murrs, fishing another apple from his pocket, takes a bite out of it, then sets it on the post. He backs up and turns, facing the post, levelling the weapon at it. The three 'claws' at the tip of hte barrel begin to glow, and soon a beam of light-blue energy flies out, striking the apple. The fruit becomes transparent, then disappears in a puff of skyblue gas and a few sparkles. He muses, then nods, turning the weapon off and holstering it against his pack. He looks up into the sky, smiling a bit at the clear day, then hums and ambles his way towards the castle's side-entrance, where the mess hall is. He whistles a cheery tune to himself, done with testing for today.

The beast hisses to itself, leaping against tree and bush, tens of miles from it's destination. For anyone to have sensed it's entrance would have to either be completely immersed in the spirit of hte world, or would have to have magic spies set across every square foot of the forest. Slaver dribbles from the PredAlien's jagged-toothed maw, scorching ground and plant alike. One thought rushes through it's mind, over and over. Kill Adrian. Kill Adrian. Kill Adrian. It's feral instincts work it up into a savage fury, and soon it launches itself upwards, scaling a sizeable redwood. It crawls it's way up, looking about, then levels it's gaze upon the distant castle. It's barbed tail flicks two and fro, staring at the stone building, then seems to grin as it hisses in defiance. It would get Adrian soon enough, and it would enjoy feasting upon the human's remains. All it has to do is get to it's location...

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