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Date Posted: 13:52:30 04/24/03 Thu
Author: Daughter of Light
Subject: Ray of light peeking through the clouds
The light mare, feeling somewhat naked in a foreign land without even her title to protect her, steps into the territory as bidden. Still, the pride she had been forced to carry as a symbol of her status had fallen away, and now perhaps she could be a bit more friendly. But, a wise captive did not make the first move. Thus decided, the palomino steps to the edge of the herd, searching for the one who had fetched her. She had only seen the stallion once, and did not recognize him in the gathering.
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He watches the 'ray' meander inwards. -- Jesar, 14:44:37 04/24/03 Thu
The once-copper stallion stands beneath the wavering pines. His coat was a dull brown, unkempt and uncared for. His dull eyes watch the golden mare, not instantly recognizing her. He resettles his large dragonlike wings uneasily. Being part dragon, he could sense the strange large gathering of power that swirled around her, a glassy golden aura. His ears flicked forward, he held mild interest for the first time in months. The sickening grumble that never ceased in his stomach was shoved to the back of his mind as he approached with a lazy slowness. His energy reserves were depleted and all but gone, though he was still curious.
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A strange sense of sympathy -- Daughter of Light, 19:29:18 04/26/03 Sat
The elegant equine looked to him silently, feeling a strange tug towards him. She could faintly feel her power gravitating towards him, and had she had the ability, she would have seen her aura doing the same. It was as part of her recognized a need deep within him, a part of him that needed healing that was beyond her healing. Equally inquisitive, she lowered her head in tempered greeting. He reminded her somehow of the dark-hued Calliope, former queen of the mythicals. She stretched her velvetine nose towards him curiously, at a loss for words suitable for the meeting.
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Gotta run! -- Jesar, 20:28:46 04/26/03 Sat
He looks toward her outstretched muzzle with disinterest, not reaching out in return. But something beyond her caught his eye, and his pulse quickened. Dark charcoal grey, short, beautiful... IT WAS BRUSHY! His heart leapt, and so did he, clear over DOL's head with a loud grunt. His giant wings unfurled, and he half flew half fell over to his beloved, his other half.
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. GeT . . lOsT . . kId . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:57:28 04/27/03 Sun