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Subject: "Team"

Gary Stotler #93
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Date Posted: 20:47:06 10/01/06 Sun
Author Host/IP: cpe-67-49-195-242.bak.res.rr.com/

First off good game friday fellas way to pull together in the end and get the "w". I'd just like to say a few things, when coach is talking your mouth should be shut, second if you are having a problem with something or someone dont bring down the team go to the coach or "person" and handle it at a appropriate time not after a game. Lets try and pull together not everyone is a coach or leader on the team, I am guilty of telling adam what to do myself. I'd also like to apologize to Kiwan for an outburst toward him after a certain series. on the bright side for 3/4 of the football game we played with class which is a major improvement, so to that I tip my hat fellas. Call everyone you know personally and try to get them to at least one full practice so we can at least square up a few things like special teams, O-line, and just some key fundamentals that really need some work, we cant expect to play like a fine tuned machine if we dont put in the effort for it. We are grown ass men (as nelly puts it) so lets act like it on the field. Im calling all of you out to take it on yourselves to come together put aside differences and show up to practice and be a team, it's gut check time we either win all of our games or sit home these playoffs. I dont know about you but I want to win.

Strap it up, see you guys on the field!!
Gary Stotler #93

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Re: "Team"Keikei17:02:15 10/02/06 Mon

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