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Date Posted: 22:37:10 05/08/04 Sat
Author: Dark Angel
Subject: +Hells Angel+
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*Why Don't You COme To your Senses*~*" on 21:09:49 05/08/04 Sat

*Vix slid out of the darkness allowing herself to be seen in the sliver of moonlight befallen upon her. Skull lowered for a moment, scarlet orbs scanning over the brute before her. her thoughts stated simply two words.."hes interesting."

She smiled darkly at herself, and snickered. Nails dig upon the earth for a moment, tangling its contents into a mess. then she trotted forward in a calm fashion, and halted before the two males. She knew dagger, but the other must be new to the greens. Another smile painted itself upon her flawless features.

"Evening...I am Dark Angel, protector and guardian of dark evergreens. I'm close to our leader Firelight queen of the darks. and Hope to soon be beta."

*she lowered her skull again in respect to the new stallion. After all he seemed like he could be trusted. with time maybe he would learn about her, and she about him.


*with this said in her sugary cold voice, she grew quiet and simply watched auds slipping forward, ebon locks swaying in an icy wind, awaiting to see if the other would speak...

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  • +Darkness Falls+ -- Dark Angel, 22:39:37 05/08/04 Sat
  • *~*Why Don't You Come To your Senses*~* -- Desperado's Soul, 18:12:26 05/14/04 Fri

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