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Date Posted: 01:09:05 05/30/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: //fire.hybrid\\
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Fuego Animado †" on 20:42:33 05/29/04 Sat

A glint of humor entered her mud-tinted ooids as she observed his reaction to her question. At the fresh spray of blood her paper-thin nares flared wide. No, she wasn't about to be one of those carnivorous insane equine but she was battle crazy. She just couldn't control herself when it came to a physical battle and the smells of it. A more daring look was entered into her dark pools as she raised an invisible brow at his words.

"Wolf huh? You must be pretty tough to go after an animal like that."

Sarcasm was hinted within her tones, and her delicate muzzle still held a smirk. Her whole form was delicate, but with steel hard muscles slipping under her rich chocolate hide. Her quick movements and even quicker mind made up for her modest size. Now she took a step towards him, inky hairs slipping down over her earthy chasms. Crown was flipped back freeing the orbs of the locks of hair. Tufts still forward focusing upon him, she didn't believe him at this point. Her sense of smell was usually correct and it didn't say 'wolf blood' however it was equine. Whose she wasn't exactly for sure, but perhaps his own was smeared on his ebonite mug.

Watchful lanterns were cast momentarily around her terrain. She wasn't the trusting type and was always on the lookout for trouble. Finding everything within the bounds of the 'Greens acceptable she returned her attention to the entertaining male. Her energetic form itched to move more than a step but she stood idly focused. Charcoal banner the only obvious point of her abundance of energy twitched back and forth across her hocks, though no pests were evident.

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