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Date Posted: 23:52:12 06/06/04 Sun
Author: Sati
Subject: .:Bang bang goes the gavel:.
In reply to: Devil 's message, "Great..........judge me before you know me........" on 23:01:38 06/06/04 Sun

Sensing the chestnut's approach, the Gypsy jezebel was tempted to leave this matter to her. However, the situation at hand held a promise of fun that had been denied Sati for quite a while. A chance to stir the pot, to get someone's panties in a twist, if you would. Obliging the stallion, for his silence was surely indicative that he wished a response, she pushed away from her scratching post and sallied forth. Her rich tenor poured from her larynx, a mischievious glint lighting her darkened eyes.

"Showing off? Non, angel, what you see is what you get. Me, I was just bein' friendly."

Rolling a shoulder, the patchwork dame strode forward away, her gait appearing almost predatory as she stalked her prey. Odd for a confirmed herbivore, but hey, it worked.

"You know, angel, you're gonna have to grow a thicker skin to survive around here. I'm only the welcoming committee."

She bared her teeth in a ghost of a smile, raking her gaze over the black stallion. If he was intimidated by her, she could only imagine how the others would take to him. Tossing her dual-toned forelock out of her way, she winked at him before sauntering back the way she came. Her throaty voice lilted back, carrying over her shoulder.

"Names would be good, mon ange. Can't go around calling you angel all the time. Might throw off your game with the ladies."

A soft chuckle came from the mare as she took up her spot, shoulder braced against the young tree. A look of pure bliss crossed her facade as she resumed rubbing the irritable itchy spot.

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