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Date Posted: 23:01:38 06/06/04 Sun
Author: Devil
Subject: Great..........judge me before you know me........
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//I like your version\\" on 18:18:48 06/06/04 Sun

He never pranced, just kept 'is head held in the friesian stance whick would be dressage. He had no intention of showing off, for if they dont like him, then their loss. He sent out a snort to the fem who spoke to him. "Is it that you want to ignore me, or show off to me for attention?" he asked with a raised brow, for he was not one to be warded off by words. He held his head normally now, for he was not entering. he shook his banter to make his face visible. "If you must know I was going to ask the queen to dwell here, but if I am not welcome I will gladly leave." he hissed. He was not ACTING big and bad. He didnt even think he was. He just had an attitude. He just seemed to snap on impact of an annoying sentance. He stood still and awaited a response, oorbs not leaving hers nor blinking. He would gladly go back to Infinite Valley if he had to, he just found this land more appealing. He looked at Firelight. "So m'lady, do you wish me to leave or may I dwell here?"

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