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Date Posted: 20:58:40 07/12/04 Mon
Author: Firelight
Subject: .]Hells Bells[.
In reply to: D.agger's R.ebellion 's message, "I. Am Desperatly Lost" on 20:16:50 07/12/04 Mon

The dark tainted banshee grew concerned at Dagger's condition she gazed sorrowfully at the steed. What had come over him, it seemed that he was melting away before her very eyes. Sculpted lobes flicked forward and then harshly to her skull as the other fae entered. A "neutral" hadn't she just lost one only to have another traipsing in her land unwanted. Harsh snort expelled from her chest, though it was with pain the sound passed bruises under her pelt kept her in constant pain and would for awhile. However since the femme seemed to be on good terms with Dagger, and him in his current state she made no move to drive the other from her lands. Though she did notice the fem's gaurding of her neck and memories of their past meeting arose. What fun that had been eh, Illusions?

Fore-limbs folded to place her lithe bodice next to that of the former King. Coal probicus stretched and pressed against the nape of the beast. She could show kindness on some rare occasions. For now she ignored Dark Illusions though it was clear she would not bother the other, for now. She didn't know how to aid him, as it seemed he was dieing on the inside rather then from a mortal wound. However she offered what comfort she could to the stygian charger.

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