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Subject: ~*~Forever Young~*~

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Date Posted: 08:01:42 08/02/03 Sat
In reply to: Lil' Mist's Player 's message, "(You're Welcome)" on 12:05:37 07/31/03 Thu

His inquiry brought an unexpected peal of laugther from the fae's lips, his chosen words somehow charming to the smitten filly. No, her heart hadn't moved on past this particular stallion, nor did it seem likely that it ever would. Her adoration was plain in her shining eyes, an emotion that she refused to hide anymore. ~*~Nothing really~*~ she replied after her mirth had evaporated. Her laughter had left a smile on her lips, one of bittersweet happiness. ~*~Same old routine--foals show up, I welcome them, they run off and play, they grow up and leave, I'm here forever. Nothing has changed~*~ With a toss of her head, she revealed that nothing had changed at all. Her appearance was still that of an adolescent around the age of 3 and her tone was still one of frustration and pent up anger. She still longed to grow up and experience all of the joys of adulthood. But why wish for something when the only one she wanted to share it with seemed reluctant to do so? Refusing to let her own grievances poison their time together, she increased the wattage of her smile and nuzzled his cheek. Her words contained a new meaning as she repeated ~*~Nothing has changed~*~ She had revealed the innermost thoughts of her pounding heart in those words, would he catch it?

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...when socks run away...C13:19:08 08/02/03 Sat

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