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Subject: queen of the streets

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Date Posted: 14:00:03 08/08/04 Sun
In reply to: K9 Kriegan 's message, "super shepherd dog" on 10:40:50 08/08/04 Sun

watching him from her now relaxed seated position, The dobie smirks lightly as he still stood before her. what do you expect me to do eat you. I am hardly that hungery. her lean frame showing that indeed meals were far between but not enough that she would eat anything. Amusement showing in her soft voice as she looked to him humor in her deep pools of soft brown. listening to his word as they sounded so confident. He may have been trained but nothing could train you to the events of the back streets but the streets themself as they did not go by the same rule, if any at all, as the academys. Their thinking based mostly on survively and not others as The grand shepherd had been raised to think. grinning slightly she speaks again umm and you must have been a star pupal there, I am sure as most they send here they believe to be the best. her tone amused but not mocking or taunting.

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(Toner) |Not Safe Yet|Alison09:36:08 08/09/04 Mon

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