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Date Posted: 09:12:22 06/13/01 Wed
Author: skittlefairy
Subject: Sezma: chapter 1

sezma was a red haired girl, a selfish girl, a killer girl. she opened up her eyes one morning and the world just pissed her off. she could not take it. her dreams were remembered so vividly. all those colors scared her, all the terrible colors. she only wanted gray, grey, clouds.
Sezma took her knife and put in in her coat, and then her joints began to work and up she got, and on she moved. walking to the Alexander house, so far and so peaceful. violent screaming overtook her silent mind and the door opened as she knocked. and Alexander dismissed the noise, so she was careful not to say it.
they brought Jessica to life so early, after walking to her domain. inebriation was the key to jessica's solitary day. Sezma joined her only once, but payed that price. today they caught a ride to the land of all hell. filled with swarming people, sickness and decay filled their rotting little hearts.
Sezma unleashed her knife....
...she had had enough.

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