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Date Posted: 15:02:05 06/15/01 Fri
Author: skittlefairy
Subject: Re: Sezma: chapter 2
In reply to: skittlefairy 's message, "Sezma: chapter 1" on 09:12:22 06/13/01 Wed

Sezma took the pretty little blade on sliced the arm of a nearby woman. then she twirled around and around like a homocidal ballerina, cutting and slitting and slicing and searing. then she dropped her knife and the three friends ran, giggling about the scene.
They always got away, just like the last few times. like when Jessica had blown off a very annoying little boys head and then his mothers while they were in the toy store. or when alexander stabbed that pretty sales clerk in the face. they returned almost every other day, but were never caught...maybe the cameras in the stores were out of focus.
well, after the killing spree they parted. Jessica and Alex went to the J.Mansion (Jessica's home) and Sezma went to regail her love and best friend in her frightening nightmare trip to the local mall. When she arrived at Nonago's house Aba answered the door. she poked Aba's tummy and pushed her way in the house and into Nonago's room. Nanago was sitting on her bed across from Sezma's boyfriend Deiko.
Nonago turned and started giggling. Deiko admired her blood-splattered face for a moment. "Have fun at the mall?" he asked...

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