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Subject: Zidane In Charge-Yuna's Searching

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Date Posted: 16:03:00 12/16/03 Tue
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "The Strange Land and Aurie's Dream" on 19:11:30 12/14/03 Sun

"NO,DUH!"Aurie squealed."I've been trying to tell you that!"
"Man,don't get all 'Auron' on me,"Zidane groaned.
"What!?"Aurie cocked a brow.
"Geez...you're acting just like Auron...treating me like some dumb little kid that don't know anything.I'm older then you at the moment,kiddo.I make the calls when Auron's not here!"
Aurie stared at Zidane with a stumped expression on his face.He hadn't meant to be mean to him.
"Sorry,"Aurie mumbled.
"Well...I can't make decisions without team approval,man!"Zidane struggled.
"What?'Team approval'?"
"Yeah.You know.Team,"Zidane said as if Aurie was the dumbest person he knew."We're a team now,Aurie.We work together.I'm not making any moves that we don't all agree with!"
Team,Aurie thought.
Aurie glanced up at the sumless sky.It seemed like day out there,just a little grayer without the sun.He stared for a long time,half puzzling over the dream he had.He felt so strange in the dream,like he was scared and he had wanted so badly to go back.The sky above Aurie looked ominous...though Aurie wasn't truely fearing for himself...he was fearing more for Zidane.


Rikku stood up and shook her head.Wow.She sure slept good.
The teen glanced around.She was in the same spot as she had been yesterday,just without Wakka,Kimahri,Aurie, and Zidane.
She suddenly remembered what had happened yesterday,even though it felt like only a few moments ago.
It was night were Auron,Rikku,and Yuna were located.Yuna was storming around throwing a fit.
Auron stood still,Rikku was unable to see the expression on his face.
"TIDUS!"Yuna shouted,then a look as if though she had remember something painful."AURIE!"
"Yuna.They are not going to answer you,"Auron said flatly.Yuna stared at Auron like she was about to murder him.

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Auron's riddles and the mysterious girlTawny17:58:12 12/16/03 Tue

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