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Subject: reunion of brothers

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Date Posted: 15:08:39 02/09/04 Mon
In reply to: Rockinghorse 's message, "Shepherd's Dark Reunion" on 07:19:09 02/06/04 Fri

"Marik?" Auron asked in disbelief.
The man nodded his head enthusiastically. He bounded towards Auron and squeezed him with a hug.
"Where've you been, Auron?" he asked. "I thought you were dead!"
Auron ran his fingers through his hair. "Well... that's kind of a long story. I can tell you later..."
"Oh, come on, Auron!" Marik laughed and shook his head. "Even after all these years, you haven't changed a bit!"
Auron was about to correct Marik on that - he had changed plenty. The fact that he was no longer living, for instance. But he couldn't tell Marik that now, not after their first reunion in over a decade.
"Come on, Auron! You've got to have something to say after all of these years."
Auron sat with his brow furrowed. "Was there anyone else around when that white mage saw me?"
"Who was there when she brought me in?"
"Just me," Marik said, shrugging. "Why?"
"Nothing," Auron muttered.

Wakka had the craziest sensation that he was floating in the air. Where was he? He lazily surveyed the space around him. There were funny colored dots in the distance. Was Zidane there?
Was this air? He ran his fingers through it. It almost felt like... water.
FWOOSH! A ball zoomed past Wakka's head. It took him a second to realize where he was.
How did I get to the stadium? Wakka wondered to himself. Wasn't I just...?
The fans were screaming with outrage. "And Wakka misses an easy pass, yet again. He must be sleeping!" the announcer laughed.
Wakka finally recognized the voice of the announcer. What the devil am I doing in Luca?

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MetamophisisRockinghorse11:25:07 02/14/04 Sat

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