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Date Posted: Wednesday, June 28, 11:49:12am
Author: Nell
Subject: Basically, I've always seen Michael (r)
In reply to: Mary *warning OT but...* 's message, "Oh Nell...I have to ask....(r)" on Wednesday, June 28, 09:16:43am

as pretty content with himself - not necessarily with his world, mind you - but with himself. I also think that, with some exceptions, he is a pretty selfish guy - that is, he is - I think - pretty focused on himself, and how things impact him and the stuff he wants, and not so interested in other people's feelings or motivations unless he needs to be.

So the whole fanish stream that views him as angsty or guilt ridden or all the fic that paints him as dark and potentially evil and saved only by Niktia's angelic nature (did they watch the same show I did?! lol!) has never rung 'true' to me.

There is also a stream in fanon that sees Michael as nearly perfect - a man who always knows the score, is three steps ahead, etc..... Which I don't buy either. He is as human and flawed too - his selfishness and his general competence definitely lead him to over reach - and more than once. That he survives it, oddly enough, I think only encouraged him.

Do I *like* Michael? Yes! Very much - mostly because he loves my gal, which shows - to me! - that he had a) good taste!, and b) the reassuring ability to be quite stupid in the name of love. He also seems to genuinely like and respect women, and has the ability to be quite generous, and when he thinks he can get away with it, assumes responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Which are not always what he intended.....

So - like most, I see him as very good at what he does, but somehow, I didn't draw the most popular/dominant conclusions from that - that he is good at it because he is so close to being evil himself (and I wonder what the consequence of redemption might have been if you really followed that one through....), or that he is superman in disguise. Often, especially in fic, the two kind of blur.....

Does that make any sense? I have a lot of agreement with basic canon/fanon views of Michael's skills and talents - less so when it comes to motivations and consequences?

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