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Date Posted: 11:24:21 09/15/07 Sat
Author: Cheryl
Author Host/IP: 67.sub-75-201-166.myvzw.com /
Subject: Hhhhmmmmnnnnn..........Lisa.......
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Re: What do you guys think?" on 09:20:53 09/15/07 Sat

.........I would think you, of all people, would be less quick to judge other people's dogs as being aggresive.

I think you're misreading my post. I'm a little disappointed and quite frankly, distured that you would take an open forum to voice that you feel Butler has aggression issues. I believe we concluded that his initial attitude with Bean during our last visit was my fault in that I was playing with her, she was play growling, and Butler thought I was in danger. After that they got along fine. You, yourself, remarked how well they all got along, so I'm not sure where this is coming from. And if you're referring to the visit when Catch was with you, I think we both know that I wasn't completely in agreement with the way the boys were introduced. A scuffle ensued, and Butler got the worst end of that deal. Catch was at least 20lbs heavier than Butler, maybe more - and several years younger. I know that dogs have to decide the pack order on their own, but fighting has always been unacceptable to me. I have a hard time accepting fighting/scuffling as a means to determine the order. When blood is drawn, as was Butler's case, the pack determining has gotten out of hand.

Butler has never, ever shown any people/dog aggression before. He has been with other dogs/people several days a week since he was 8 weeks old, so I'm not sure how much more socialized he could be. He's played with dogs all his life. He's been boarded at several different kennels for days at a time, and has always received a good report from any of them. In fact, the only comment I've ever received from any of them is on how passive he is, not dominant.

We visited the new vet that we're going to use while in Athens. The entire staff are graduates from the University of Georgia, with degrees in animal care/training/behaviors, etc. Even their receptionists. As Butler was taking the tour, he was allowed to go into the kennel area. A big lab of some type got very upset, baring his teeth while Butler was standing a little too close to his kennel. Without any type of reaction, Butler turns and walks away. No bark back, no growl, nothing. He went for daycare twice for 1/2 day after the introductory tour. It is an actual daycare within the clinic, where the animals of different breeds and sizes are allowed to play together after having their temperament tested. He got good reports both days. And one of these days was after the incident at the motel during the early morning hours. So, I don't think it's an aggression issue, per se.

About the leash, until a year ago - Butler had never been OFF leash. Maybe you've forgotten that we always lived on the road's edge and he was never allowed outside off leash, except when we would go to my mom's several times a week to let him run in her fenced yard. In fact, we walked him in GA on leash, every night until the incident early in the morning with the noises, etc. There are 35,000 college students enrolled at the University of GA (center of town), and you are weaving in and of people as if you're in an airport. This is no exaggeration. I have never seen so many people, no matter what the wee hour of the morning you decide to stroll through town. At least half the people you see are walking dogs. Butler was a perfect gentleman to the people and dogs alike. Even to the few dogs who would, themselves, be off leash, strolling along with their people. There was no pulling/tugging of the leash. He just walked simply and calmly to our side, never trying to walk out in front of us.

I had room service every morning at the motel, the maid service would come in everyday, and he would sit/stay perfectly. Each day the person was different, and yes, they did comment that he is a "big" dog, but that he is very well-behaved and quiet. Not one of them was afraid to enter my room. At their knock on the door, I would put Butler's leash on, unlock the door and stand to the side while they entered. He usually got a pat on the head or an ear rub as they left.

We all know how stressful motel life can be to humans sometimes. I really think it's unfair to judge Butler harshly for something he had no prior exposure to, and I don't know how we could have given him that type of exposure to desensitize behorehand. With motels, you never know what you're going to get, what disturbances are going to awaken you from a sound sleep. Most dogs have never been exposed to people yelling the way those people were. I did jump in my sleep, but I never got out of bed or fretted about the situation. I was startled, as Butler was, and I'm sure most of the motel residents as well. We just went back to sleep, so I don't think he was picking up on my feelings. I wasn't afraid to be there, and frankly, I was too tired to care, or I probably would have gotten up and called motel security.

Lisa, sometimes I think people respond to posts with the first thing that comes to their mind, before they've had a chance to give a really thought-out response. Had you thought about this today while you were at the adoption, I believe your response would have been quite different.

I do know that Butler had to be corrected for his actions. I was never one to think my skin kids were perfect, and I feel the same way about Butler. Having said that, I also know that circumstances sometimes cause us to act in ways that are normally not our nature. I was merely asking for advice as to whether I had reacted to Butler's behavior correctly.

I'm sorry that you didn't just post that first sentence, and then email me privately with your other concerns.

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