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Subject: $ Save money on the bull, ride a cowboy $

Alicia Baslazari
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Date Posted: 23:02:24 05/17/10 Mon
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.Me too. But I like the horses a lot too.:." on 05:12:39 05/17/10 Mon

He picked up - just when she'd thought the call would go to voice mail - the frown that had been plaguing her features instantly relaxing away. "At least you're not still at the office." Merriment trickled in twinged with doubt, but she hoped he'd brush it aside as the odd humor that sometimes became her. The glass of wine in her hand swished - the smell divine - before she set it back down without taking a sip. "I ordered your favorite wine, though I wasn't sure what you wanted for dinner..." She trailed off when she heard the shower running in the background. "In the shower?" Curious and a tad amused by the prospect, she had no idea another was nearby though if she dug just a little she'd realize her husband was flustered - though she'd never have guessed it was by another man.

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.:.Bulls are cheaper than men and their booze.:.Zeth05:19:41 05/18/10 Tue

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