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Subject: .:.Me too. But I like the horses a lot too.:.

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Date Posted: 05:12:39 05/17/10 Mon
In reply to: ... 's message, "I go to roping practice for the cowboys... not the horses" on 11:58:16 05/14/10 Fri

With his wrist wet from the hot water, Zeth turned to see that the male had moved closer. But not just close, he was practically on top of Zeth. Zeth had only a moment to hesitate before his face was pulled into the man’s and their lips were pressed together. He was so shocked that he stood motionless as the male expressed a passion that Zeth hadn’t known existed. This wasn’t the typical male kiss of wanting to get off. No, this was the “I’m madly in love with y ou” type. Zeth was so surprised that he didn’t even have time to push the male away before their tongues collided.

It was the ringing of the phone that brought him back to his senses. His eyes had remained open during the brief encounter and they slid to the phone that rattled on the counter. Zeth pulled away from the male, his arms finding the male’s shoulders as he gave him a little push back. But as Zeth made his way to the counter to fetch the phone, the shock wore off and the realization came to him. It must have been the taste of his lips. Zeth grabbed the phone off the counter but his eyes remained glued to the male’s reflection in the mirror. It was all clicking into place. “Hey beautiful...” He turned back to the male with the phone pressed to his ear. “I’m at the house now, I’m so sorry I’m late.”

(I have never done a phone call on CM before, lol)

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$ Save money on the bull, ride a cowboy $Alicia Baslazari23:02:24 05/17/10 Mon

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