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Date Posted: 12:48:25 04/21/02 Sun
Author: Marz and co.
Subject: The games people play
In reply to: Tristan and Rowan 's message, "Oops" on 02:02:38 04/20/02 Sat

Marz chuckled when Rowan pressed up against him behind the tapestry. "Fancy meetin' you here," he slurred before the elf silenced him with a kiss. All thoughts of remaining faithful to Tristan flew out the window when the elf's hands slid from his hair down his back until finally coming to rest on his ass. His arms tightened around Rowan rather possessively. He pulled the elf closer, the grinding of their hips fueling their arousals. Their lips parted with a soft pop when Ablina's voice sounded in the room. When Rowan told him to be quiet, Marz kept his mouth busy by sucking on the elf's neck while one hand was already working to loosen the laces on his pants.

"It's too dark in this place!" Ablina's voice sang out. She ran back into the hall and glanced up at one of the lit torches but it was too high for her to reach. Her shoes clicked along the tile floor as she made her way back to the kitchen to ask Benis for a candle. Once she had the item in hand, she decided to check out the room directly across from the kitchen. She set her candle down on a dresser next to a few others that were already flooding the area with light then walked to the bed where a figure was lying. When she discovered a boy with a very battered face, her jaw dropped open. She remembered seeing him being carrying into the tower earlier and wondered if he was dead. Ablina yelped when the boy's swollen eyes slid open. He stared at her for a moment then rolled onto his back with a groan. "You okay?" she asked.

"I'll feel a lot better if you can find my backpack and get me a container of pills that's in one of the side pockets." Jeremy watched the little girl scurry around the room then mumbled his thanks when she handed him the bottle of Vicodin. She was nice enough to pass him a glass of water from the small table beside the bed before plopping down next to him. "I'm Ablina," she told him. "Who are you? Did your master punish you for disobeying?"


As soon as Ablina retreated from the room, Marz wasted no time pulling Rowan's shirt off. After dropping the garment to the floor, his hands explored the elf's magnificent torso while their lips met in a kiss then sent fire rippling between his thighs. His tongue entered Rowan's mouth to explore and tantalize as he slowly forced the elf toward the bed. Taking charge of the situation, he pushed Rowan onto the mattress then quickly stripped him of his boots and pants. His hungry eyes drank in the naked well-toned body of the elf before he crawled on top of him. "I'm going to eat you alive," he teased. His tongue snaked out to lick and nibble at Rowan's chest before his mouth moved to place moist kisses on his taunt abdomen.

The elf let out a moan then brought his hands up to entangle in the ex-gang leader's hair as his teeth nipped and sucked at the inside of his thighs. Marz slid his hands under Rowan's firm buttocks, lifting him slightly before his eager mouth moved to take the elf to the peak of erotic bliss.


Although he was slightly inebriated, Noyko's body responded immediately to Tristan's kiss. Briefly, he wondered why the magnificent dragon kept calling him Masha, but he brushed such wonderings off and focused on pleasuring his new master. After sliding the dragon's pants down past his knees he flipped him over, kissing him with intensity as his hands fondled the soft skin beneath Tristan's shirt.

Noyko was fully aroused and looked forward to sharing an exquisite lovemaking experience with the Ryuujin. "Do you desire me to be dominant, master or would you prefer a submission partner?" he asked, while his hand stroked the dragon's erection. When Tristan seemed to tense beneath him Noyko slid the dragon's shirt up and began to suckle a nipple, hoping to heighten his arousal.


After talking with Jeremy for a while and consuming a bag of delicious Cheetos, Ablina remembered the hide and seek game. "Oh!" she cried, jumping to her feet. "I still have to find everybody. I'll come talk to you more later Jeremy." She grabbed her candle and made her way down the long hallway, heading toward the room she was in earlier.

When Rowan's body finally stopped jerking from his intense climax, Marz straddled him and began to loosen his own pants. The elf panted heavily while lifting his shaking hands to assist Marz. Both froze in place at the sound of loud heels clicking in the hallway. "Ready or not, here I come." Ablina's voice managed to cool down Marz's desire immediately although he was still suffering with a rather painful erection. His clothes were in a bit of disarray but thankfully he was still dressed.

He flew off the bed, and tossed the blanket completely over Rowan then tightened the laces on his pants. Suddenly, candlelight flooded the room nearly blindly him. "I found you, I found you!" Ablina cried. "You're my prisoner now. I have to take you back to the kitchen and you gotta wait there until I find the others."

Marz ran his hands through his hair then tried to shake off the lingering effects of the Jann's wine. When he saw Ablina walking toward the bed, he rushed to grab her hand and pulled her to the door. "I think I saw Rowan sneak into the room next to this one," he said, as they entered the hallway. "You might wanna check that one out after you drop me in the kitchen."

Ablina nodded and giggled as she squeezed Marz's hand. He gave her a smile when she pushed him into a chair across from Justin and Benis at the table before rushing off to continue her search for the others. Marz shook his head when the Jann offered him more Kosh then helped himself to a mug of java instead. Now that he was thinking a little clearer he began to feel guilty about what happened with Rowan. What the rake is wrong with me? He was perfectly happy with Tristan so why was he always lusting after others? For a moment, he thought about telling the dragon what happened but immediately decided against it since he knew Tristan would never understand. Hell, even I don't understand myself half the time.

He looked up when he heard someone enter the kitchen, and relaxed when he saw Jeremy. "You look like shit," he told the youth when he sat down beside him. Marz sipped his java and tried to push down his guilt before Tristan arrived. Hopefully, his lover wouldn't sense that there was anything wrong.

"Where's Rowan?" Jeremy asked as he filled a mug with java.

"How the hell do I know," Marz answered a bit defensively. He shifted uncomfortably then ran a hand through his hair. What if the raking elf said something to Tristan about their little tryst? Now, he found that he had something else to worry about while he sat there waiting for his lover to arrive.

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