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Date Posted: 09:54:59 08/27/03 Wed
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Yeah but then you have a problem
In reply to: Jim 's message, "Prescience" on 09:20:03 08/27/03 Wed

Then here's a main problem I see with the books if that is so. It would have made far more sense for Leto II to wait to take the worm skin until AFTER he had gone through puberty. He could then have fathered a child that would have had his genes. And if Leto II in fact had the No-Gene, he could have started breeding to No-Gene into humanity long before the Thousands of years it took to get Siona.

I realize that this was only one part of the Golden Path, but it was a major one. The only other objection you might voice is that Leto needed to have perfect prescience in order to control things to make sure that the other parts of the Golden Path came about, and having people with a no-gene too soon would have thwarted this.

However, it just seems like it would be a lot better if Leto II was invisible to prescience, to start breeding the gene into humanity with his own genes rather than waiting thousands of years for Siona to develop from his sisters' offspring.

That is unless, LEto II was NOT invisible to prescience. There isn't a reason as to why Paul cannot see Leto. And there is no mention of the fact that he has a no-gene. I always thought that Leto used his own Powerful prescience to somehow block Paul's vision.

No I am all for the worms being invisible to Prescience. It's just that we really don't know if they are or not because we really don't know conclusively if Leto II was or not, and there is no one around with prescience in the later novels that confirm it or not. Of course that is unless Duncan Idaho steps up to the plate or Teg maybe.

Here's a question to bake your noodle, if Leto II has a no-gene, does that mean he can see himself in his prescient visions....hahah!

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  • Thoughts.... -- Crysknife, 13:00:35 08/27/03 Wed
  • I think I have it....at least for my self -- Crysknife, 14:49:19 08/27/03 Wed

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