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Date Posted: 18:25:04 04/19/04 Mon
Author: IDAHO
Subject: I'd have to disagree
In reply to: anonymous 's message, "Boycott Dune 7!" on 07:55:05 04/18/04 Sun

I will have to disagree with you. First I should say that while many fans have descried the prequel Dune novels as being inferior to the originals, written simply to satisfy the greediness of the authors, and basically fan fiction, I am not one of those fans.

Nothing will replace the originals in my mind, but i do acknowledge the prequels as being decent novels that take place in the same universe and interesting reads. For what the prequels lacked in inventiveness, originality, and intricacy of thematic material, I felt they made up for in clarity of plot and story. I found them to be worthwhile and invaluable in setting up the man vs. machine conflict that is sure to pervade the sequel novels.

But regardless of my opinion on those books, there are certain things that a reader must take into account when thinking about Dune 7 & 8.

The first is the fact that Herbert himself left a detailed manuscript outlining the plot to the sequel to Chapterhouse: Dune. Dune 7, unlike the prequels, isn't even an extrapolation by Brian Herbert and KJ. Anderson, it is Frank Herbert's plot scripted by them. Everything in Dune 7 and 8 for the most part is what Frank wanted to write and fully intended to before his life ended. Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson are making that possibility a reality and allowing the true story of what Frank wanted to tell with the Dune saga to be told. This was material that Frank Herbert wanted out there because it was going to cap off the entire series, and ultimately conclude the themes and ideological material that the series had been leading up to. Of course the books will not be exactly the same as if Frank were writing them, but it is the best we could ever possibly hope for now that he is gone. I for one relish the opportunity to read Frank's final story in the Dune Universe.

The second point is the fact that so far the books have been highly successful not only monetarily but critically as well. A concentrated boycott of a few die-hard fans who want to express their distaste in the books is not going to garner any kind of result. A letter to the authors about your feelings might be more effective in that regard, but I doubt it.

I personally would prefer to see where the story was heading and I can always dream of my own conclusions if I am disatisfied with the authors' particular vision of the denoument. And one is always free to not purchase the novel.

By all means, feel free to not by the books if you don't enjoy them. But don't expect it to change anything. Dune 7 and 8 will come out and it will be part of the story. You are also personally free not to acknowledge Dune 7 & 8 as being "fan fiction" though that title for them is highly dubious considering it is based directly on the outlines that Herbert himself wrote. I for one prefer to enrich my experience in the Dune Universe with these novels rather than limit it by avoiding them.


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