Kelly won!!! Apparently, everyone was told (in the audeince to keep quiet) once show ended - it has already been screened in the UK but the monkeys couldn't stop cheering and they blurted it all out. By the way, with the press, can u ever get out?
I do not know final placements but will post it here once done!
Once again, congratz to KELLY!!! I knew you'd do it!
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nice spelling -- Rune, 23:42:53 01/01/04 Thu [1]
his name is Nilsen, not Nielson
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Ant and Dec announced to hosts World Idol 2003! -- Yaseen (Mod 2), 20:59:26 12/02/03 Tue [3]
We just about launching the 2003 World Idols Fan Site forum- the first of its kind!
Ant and Dec will host the 2003 World Idols competition- they are famous for their witty hosting duties on the UK version- "Pop Idol"

We currently have 4 mods for the site. APPLY to become a moderator now- we are looking for one mod per country. All 4 are from South Africa.
Brandon (Mod 1)
Yaseen (Mod 2)
Arinolia (Mod 3)
Thembile (Mod 4)
We humbly welcome you to the WORLD IDOL FORUM- spread the word about this site and enjoy messages from everyone.
-- Yaseen
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Voting -- Sphinx, 23:05:49 01/01/04 Thu [1]
Reguardless of the results, did anyone else find the voting not fair? In America we only had two hours after the show ended to cast votes. In other places I've heard they had 24 hours or more. Doesn't it seem like the time allocated to place votes should be universal?
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HEINZ SA LOVES U!!! -- =), 20:40:55 01/01/04 Thu [2]
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Hi, just saw the new logo on this site. Brandon, do you have info on World Idol 2? -- Chrissy, 20:06:57 01/01/04 Thu [1]
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Congrats Kurt -- Janice, 19:17:07 01/01/04 Thu [2]
Kurt has a good voice. But It worries me that The public vote went against Simon wich means if he really wants to he can get the results he wants. Just a thought!
I am so glad kelly did not win.
Heinz we are so proud of him!! Just to come 4th is great what an achievment for SA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Congratulations to Kurt for being a deserving winner!!! ... And well done to Heinz for making us proud!!!! -- Steinie, 19:24:07 01/01/04 Thu [2]
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World Idol was fab! -- David Wannabe Beckham, 19:38:22 01/01/04 Thu [1]
WOW!!! It sums up 1 hour of a great show. I must tell you that this years result show is so thrilling, and the winner Kurt was absolutely fabulous. And it keeps you thrilled 'till the last minute.
The show opened with the blasting intro of the 11 contestants, which I think was really awesome. It was great to see a recap. Than, after the intro, an ad break. After that we were treated to a performance by Victoria Beckham who exuded sex appeal in a fantastically tight maroon dress. Ahh, I envy David Beckham, his nights of passion must be awesome (hehehe-)
Anyways, her singing was okay, but her looks were better. (OKAY, I better stop!). Then, they showed the worst SINGERS of all time, which was really funny. You'll see the worst singers, a South African was voted 4th WORST in the world. She really made me laugh.
Afterwards, they showed who the worst judges were. They showed snippets from all the countries shows, and I'll leave it to you to guess who won. Ant and Dec were better today. and hey, WE ARE ONLY 360 days away from Christmas!
Yeah, they were really entertaining.
Finally, the excitement builds up with each country revealing the votes. Ryan Seacrest gave the results for America. And mind you, the results are sooo entertaining. Between first and second is only about 5 points difference. All I want to say is congratulations to our Heinz for placing so well. (4th place_) He really made us proud. But I was disappointed, one country voted him 2nd last- what a poinker! (is that a word?)- If he placed higher in this country, he would have done even better, maybe 3rd place!
Anyways, Kurt won and sang the song he sang at the contest on 25 December. Overall, World Idol was a great show, and apparently, World Idol 2 is gonna kick ass in August this year, in LOS ANGELES, USA!!! It's happening this August, so looking forward to that.
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HAHAH, KELLY DID NOT WIN!!! KURT WON!! AND I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!! -- Kay, 19:09:38 01/01/04 Thu [2]
I am soooooo thrilled that Kelly placed 2nd. I loved her, but deep down I wanted Kurt to win. Congratz to everyone. I am so happy that that afro-guy from Australia did not place. He was way over-hyped. Heinz was brilliant. WELL DONE TO ALL!!!! KURT congratulations once again!!
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YAY--- Kurt won!!! Horray!!! -- Natasha, 19:00:16 01/01/04 Thu [3]
I'm too happy. Congratulations to Kurt Nielson. The show was great. Victoria Beckham was yummy. Well done to Kurt, hpe this stars a great career for you...
-- Natasha
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Kelly Clarkson won- Reuters -- Malcolm X, 13:30:15 01/01/04 Thu [5]
I saw on the website, that a group of cheering fans yelled the winner, despite being cautioned by producers "to conceal the revelations".
Apparently, American fans in the UK were so happy by the victory of Kelly that the press found out Kelly won. "This will now destroy the ratings on fox" a spokesperson said for FOX.
Very interestin...
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How could Kelly have won? The show has not yet been filmed -- Bubbling mind, 14:18:25 01/01/04 Thu [3]
What is goinf on? I heard the show is only happening at 6pm in South African time. Now, they come up with something else...
Please help, it's now 3:18 pm in SA, 6pm is still 2.5 hours away. Is this people just trying to stir things up? But I know Jenna from America is a good source...
Very curious!
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If Kelly won... DAMN, that means KURT didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Lucy, 13:33:57 01/01/04 Thu [1]
I HATE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ratings of the show all over the world -- Lisa, 09:35:19 01/01/04 Thu [2]
Millions watched, here's the ratings.
North America:
Canada: 1.9 million
USA: 6.7 million
South Africa: 0.8 million
Rest of Africa (on DsTV): 1.6 million
UK: 1.2 million
Norway: 0.6 million
Poland: 3.8 million
Netherlands: 0.6 million
Rest of Europe: 1.4 million
Not many countries showed World Idol in Asia. A total batch on 0.7 million watched in Asia.
Jordan: 1.1 million
Rest of Arab regions: 1.4 million
Australia and other parts:
Australia: 2.2 million
New Zealand: 0.6 million
Rest of Oceania: 0.4 million
That means only 30.4 million watched World Idol 2003- not 100 million as the hosts said would. This is because TV is watched 40% less on Christmas Day or rather from 20 Dec- 10 Jan. People do not watch much TV during this time, I hope the organisers will choose a different date for World Idol 2. NOT FESTIVE SEASON TIME, OK?
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PLEASE DO NOT POST WINNER!! -- Rosa, 09:45:42 01/01/04 Thu [2]
It's been a while but I'm back. To everyone in South Africa, UK and other regions in Europe, PLEASE DO NOT POST THE WINNER ON THIS BOARD until after the screening in Canada and the US... please, please, please!! DO not spoil it.
As for the rumors that Kelly won, hello, it's only a RUMOR!!!
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Happy New Year and Rbing it on World Idol! -- Ross, 07:53:07 01/01/04 Thu [2]
Th e thrill, the excitement the intrigue. I can't wait for World Idol 2003 or is that 2004?
My favourites are Kurt Nielson, Heinz Winckler and Guy Sebastian. Outsiders are Will Young and Peter Evrard.
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We are down to under 48 hours before we know... -- Catherine, 19:22:57 12/30/03 Tue [3]
Hmmm, 48 hours to go before we find out who the World Idol is. The contestants arrive back in the UK today and tomorrow for the BIG results show. Let's not forget: Elton John will be performing for us.
And my final Top 5 are (in random order)
Heinz Winckler
Will Young
Kelly Clarkson
Guy Sebastian
Kurt Nielson
And the Top 3 are (in random order)
Will Young
Kurt Nielson
Kelly Clarkson
2nd runner-up is.... Will Young
1st runner-up is.... Kelly Clarkson
AND the World Idol for 2003 is .... KURT NIELSON
I hope Kurt wins!! I wish he captures the title tomorrow. Good luck to Kurt!
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World Idol sucks! -- Tammy, 22:56:11 12/31/03 Wed [3]
American Idol is wayyyy better than World Idol. The concept is too rushed. What a bore. Can't wait for Jan 18th- the premeire of World Idol.
To my two best friends: Brandon and Steinie- Happy New Year. Hope World Idol 2 (as I see in the logo is scheduled for sunny LA in late summer) will be a blast. And to Jenna from America, while u enjoying the snow in New York, it's just cold in LA.
See ya'll tomorrow, before World Idol results. Psst, I think Kelly won, it is a rumor.
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Only 4 hours to go in South Africa ... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU WONDERFUL IDOLS FANATICS!! -- Steinie, 19:12:09 12/31/03 Wed [8]

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Final predictions -- Lerissa, 18:43:51 12/31/03 Wed [2]
This is my final predictions for the Result Show of World Idol Finale. I have viewed my tape twice and scrutinised everything, from style, tone, voice, register and looks. I have come down to the Final list..|
11th - Alexander Klaws
10th - Ryan Malcolm
9th - Alex
8th - Jamai Loman
7th - Heinz Winckler
6th - Kelly Clarkson
5th - Will Young
4th - Guy Sebastian
3rd - Kurt Neilson
2nd - Peter Evrard
She is superb. Hope she grabs it
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-- Brandon, 15:44:16 12/28/03 Sun [4]
We are days away from the calling of 2004. Wishing everyone on this forum a prosperous, happy and joyous New Year.
To the World Idol, special congratulations from me. The winner will be officially announced on 31 December 2003.
NEWSFLASH!! This forum will be the first of it's kind. Everyone from around the world is invited to congratulate the new winner come January 1st. AND REMEMBER: Do not visit this site on January 1st if you do not wanna spoil it. Because everyone will know the winner in UK and South Africa before America, Canada and Australia, visit this forum after the show has been shown in your country.
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I hope Ryan WINS!!! -- Luciana, 19:13:28 12/29/03 Mon [1]
He got the look, the groove, the voice. I HOPE HE WINS!!! And if he doesn't at least in the Top5.
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What do you guys think of the Pan-Arab chick? -- Imtiaz, 13:43:01 12/28/03 Sun [5]
Salaams, I am from Tehran in Iran and I've just joined your beautiful forum. World Idol is great show, I watched it on TV and we are allowed to vote for our beautiful Diana. She is seen as the underdog, but I've met many people who think she's a star!
We are allowed to vote, only in Jordan they can't vote. That means over 8 countries will vote for Diana. She is truly a princess.
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Vote for Sexy Idol Heinz -- Tracey, 09:23:03 12/28/03 Sun [4]
I think he is so sexy and so entertaining. His voice is so authentic and so melodious. I love him and I hope he win.

Hope the picture appears. If not, try this URL
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Don't forget to take OUR POLL -- Brandon, 20:03:18 12/28/03 Sun [2]
Hi guys, I'm learning the innovative ways of technology. As I promised, this site would get better and I've introduced our first forum!!
Who do you think will win World Idol?
Take our poll now, vote for your favourite!
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And the winner is.... -- jenna from america, 17:37:10 12/28/03 Sun [2]
Yesterday, I showed en entire position list and the final two were Kelly Clarkson and Will Young. After reviewing the pros and cons... the winner is
Congratz to KELLY CLARSON- My prediction will materialise on the 1st!! Just watch!
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how do you think the votes will rank the contestants? -- Alexcia, 12:49:05 12/27/03 Sat [4]
So who do you think will come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc, come results show time? This what I think will probably happen:
1st. Kelly (if she doesn't win I'll be suprised cause she's still the most popular)
2nd. Kurt
3rd. Guy
4th. Diana
5th. Heinz
6th. Peter
7th. Ryan
8th. Will
9th. Jamai
10th. Alex
11th. Alexander
Comments anyone?
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KELLY CLARKSON FOR WORLD IDOL!! -- Larissa and Ursula, 13:27:21 12/28/03 Sun [1]
Hi, we are Larissa and Ursula and we are carrying the 'Support Kelly' campaign, right here in the heart of Florida. We are in Miami right now and we will be coming to Texas on Monday at 8pm at the San Antonio CC. Please come and support Kelly.
She will soon become the World Idol and make America proud.

Larissa and Ursula
Support Kelly Campaign
Miami, FL
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The unfair moderator- I think he is Brandon -- Kevin, 08:26:18 12/28/03 Sun [6]
I see that you left out Ryan Malcolm's name in your logo, and you mentioned all the others... Hmmm, we even have a moderator who behaves like this, then they yell at our Canadian judge, calling him scum. Guess who's scum now?
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Step aside, Kelly ... here comes ANKE! -- Steinie, 13:09:26 12/27/03 Sat [9]
This year's World Idols is a bit of a farce due to the fact that Kelly and Will have been promoted and marketed world wide. Hats off to the other (unknown) contestants for their brave attempts in the face of adversity!
But just you wait for next year's World Idols. South Africa's newest Idol, Anke Pietrangeli, will blow their socks off!

Anke Pietrangeli - SA Idol 2003
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- Here's the pic Steinie, your URL is wrong :)
-- Brandon, 16:04:29 12/27/03 Sat
- Wow- is this the latest edition of South African winner (South African idol 2). There is so much feeling inside her, you can see she has a passion for singing. Is there any site for her? And songs... I've searched Kazaa but have found nothing with "anke"- please help! -- Jenna from America, 17:39:26 12/27/03 Sat
- Thanks a lot, Brendan! *blushing* ;) (NT) -- Steinie, 07:52:45 12/28/03 Sun
- And I think you should *blush* again, because his name is Brandon, not Brendon. By the way Steinie, why don't you make a fansite for World Idol. It will be amazing. Your is nice, but add polls, and other stuff. But I give it 8/10. Way to go Steinie! By the way, where is the South African Idol official site? (NT) -- Tammy, 08:51:08 12/28/03 Sun
LOL ... give me a break, Tammy! I just woke up and am not focussing too well!! I had just replied to an e-mail from a friend called Brendan, thus the unforgiveable error!! Thanks for the compliments and suggestions, but, besides a poll, what else is missing? Or didn't you check out all the pages? The SA Idols website link is at the top of my Links page on my fansite for Anke, by the way... ;) (NT) -- Steinie, 09:02:28 12/28/03 Sun
Support for Jamai -- Olivier, 09:00:25 12/28/03 Sun [1]
Lets stand together and support Jamai Loman, the true Idol for World Idol. He sing very good and he is very nice. I think our Jamai will do very well in this competition. Good luck to Jamai Loman
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My bets on World Idol -- Jenna from America, 17:54:58 12/27/03 Sat [3]
World Idol has been a spectacular show. Although a bit hurried, I am a great supporter and hope all the contestants best of luck. The World Idol system is awarding 627 points altogether- each country has 67 points to dish out.
12 for their own country, 10 for 1st, 9 for 2nd and so on... So, with these points, a contestant can get a maximum of 112 points, the minimum 22 points. So hopefully, it will be a tight competition.
My stakes are as follows:
11th- Alex (Poland)
10th- Peter Evrard (Belgium)
9th- Alexander Klaws (Germany)
8th- Diana Karazan (Pan Arab)
7th- Jamai Loman (Netherlands)
6th- Ryan Malcolm (Canada)
4th runner-up: Heinz Winckler (South Africa)
3rd runner-up: Guy Sebastian (Australia)
2nd runner-up: Kurt Neilson (Norway)
And the final two are: Will Young and Kelly Clarkson- guess what... find out who wins- tomorrow! I will publish my final analysis on who of these two should win. See the prons and cons of each of these two tomorrow... meanwhile, you decide. Who should win? Will or Kelly??
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!!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Kelly Clarkson won the South African + Australian vote -- Catherine Lovejoy, 21:50:54 12/26/03 Fri [5]
Wow- I have looked everywhere for a decent forum on World Idol and finally I've found one. I have the most exciting news, especially for Kelly Clarkson fans. The voting in South Africa and Australia (who's lines have just closed) have been revealed by sources at and Yahoo ads.
I am so excited by this thought. Apparently, in Australia, they did not vote for South Africa and in South Africa, they did not vote much for Australia. In SA, the three were Kelly, Will and Kurt. In Australia, it was Kelly, Will and Ryan of Canada.
I will update you on the latest all the time!!
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11 Idols, 1 winner, who will it be????? -- The Hulk, 14:41:24 12/21/03 Sun [7]
I love this whole World Idols thing. I think it honestly gives each individual a chance to show the world what he/she is made of. Each representative is in his own right a winner- I mean they all had to win a national Idols competition first, before coming to World Idol, and so here are my thoughts on what will happen, come Christmas Day.
The Unfair Advantage
I think since Will Young (UK) and Kelly Clarkson (US) have already cracked the international market, they should not have been participating. But then again, everyone must participate. I think from all eleven, these two will be seen as the BIG ONES. Every contestant regards the other competitors as rivals, but these two are for sure on top of the list. I hope that the judges will be fair in their comment, although I have heard otherwise. I am sure, that despite Kelly and Will's publicity, all other nine finalists are given equal TV time to showcase their true talent, instead of wasting something so fabulous. The show should be impartial, true to viewers, and hopefully not edited to make other contestants look less demanding and forthright during the show.
Conetestant Review
Alex (18) from Poland

I reckon this girl is every bit as sexy as diva Kelly. I haven't heard her voice, but people have said it is angelic. I think her chances of winning are slim, but I hope she wows me enough to get my vote.
Alexander (19) from Germany

I dunno why, but I like this guy big time. He is very good-looking and so expect many girls to vote for him. He will have a good chance of winning, unless he kills the song he's singing and Simon tears him to pieces.
Diana (19) from Jordan

I am a bit skeptical on this one. She represented a Pan-Arab competition, thus is a well known woman throughout the Arabic region. Ok, so Jordan can't vote for her, but I bet many people from the Arab lands will ONLY vote for her. *Remember, the show is broadcast in 22 countries, despite only 11 particpating. Hope she has a great voice.
Guy (22) from Australia

I have heard reports from many that his voice is not that spectacular! Plus, his looks make me shreek! Ok, not the looks, the hair! A big no-no for a World Idol. I HOPE he messes up!
Heinz (25) from South Africa

Many said he was voted because of his good looks. Many said his runner-up should have won. Many blamed the South African show to be rigged. Many said BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I want to hear his voice, but I bet he'd do well because I heard he sang a Walt Disney song. And his CD sales went Double Platinum... not bad at all!
Jamai (17) from Netherlands

This guy CAN really sing well. Apparently, people went crazy over him, and he got over 80% of the votes on the Netherlands show during the finale. Also, he really "makes" people love him. I can't wait to see what he got to offer.
Kelly Clarkson (21) from USA

I'm not complaining. She has a starlet voice. Amazing and pure. Her "Miss Independant" went Number One is America and Australia. "A moment like this" was also bluddy brilliant. She has many votes 'already' cast for her.
Kurt (24) from Norway

I think he'll do OK. Maybe 6th, or 7th or 8th. You'll see. This guy is destined for a middle place position. He'll get votes 'cause he's from Europe (and possibly for his voice). He won't get votes because he is the most unatractive of the bunch. And whoever begs to differ, I DARE you to!
Peter (28) from Belgium

If this competition was called "OLD IDOL" he'll definitely win it. His hair is ugly. His voice is nice. Is he a rock star? We'll have to wait and see. I think he'll be remembered for his 'different' look, but will people vote for him? We'll have to wait and see. His chances are not that strong. By the way, where is Beligium?
Ryan (24) from Canada

Rumors reckon that his performance was the best of all, beating both Kelly and Will. I'd like to see what he has to offer and if he delivers, I will vote for him. I think he'll place well. Just vote for him if he dazzles you with his song, ok?
Will (24) from UK

I've heard many say they will not vote for him because he is gay. But, hello, Elton John is attending, and he is gay. What is it about sexual preference that makes everyone so damn picky. I am a heterosexual man, and if he sings well, I WILL vote for him!
Well, that wraps us my thoughts on World Idol 2003. A review will come on December 25th and on December 29th- again on January 2nd. Happy Holidays to one and all, enjoy the holidays and stay well.
By the way, I am from UK!
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- I like your review, i thouroughly enjoyed reading it, BUT, why do you dislike guy so much. He is great. I think your calling him ugly is not very appropriate. If being gay isn't such a biggy to you, why should looks be?? --just curious -- Guy Fan, 17:08:33 12/21/03 Sun
- I agree with you "GuyFan"- The Hulk doesn't know what his talking about. Ugly? What's that about. I, actually think he's quite gorgeous- personal taste differs. I will be voting for Guy, and I'm from Canada! -- Jess, 17:30:00 12/21/03 Sun
- Re: I like your review, i thouroughly enjoyed reading it, BUT, why do you dislike guy so much. He is great. I think your calling him ugly is not very appropriate. If being gay isn't such a biggy to you, why should looks be?? --just curious -- meeh! > = (, 12:54:24 12/25/03 Thu
- Re: I like your review, i thouroughly enjoyed reading it, BUT, why do you dislike guy so much. He is great. I think your calling him ugly is not very appropriate. If being gay isn't such a biggy to you, why should looks be?? --just curious -- meeh! > = (, 12:56:34 12/25/03 Thu
Re: 11 Idols, 1 winner, who will it be????? -- bazza., 22:25:54 12/25/03 Thu
- Bad luck for you...Guy did NOT mess up and Kurt looked fine! -- AussieGal, 07:47:49 12/27/03 Sat
my thoughts -- J, 07:04:44 12/27/03 Sat [1]
Considering that kelly Clarkson, will young have already hit the world markets its a given they will win.
I support Heinz all the way, he is my Idol.
Watch out next year Anke from SA will be there and she will definilty give USA and UK a run for there money.
I like Kelly but to me if i heard her song on the radio i would not be sure if it was her or Alicia Keys or .............. I love Will he is great because he is original and different. I thought alot of the singers were terible I think we need Simon to judge in all the coutries =)
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my thoughts -- J, 07:03:41 12/27/03 Sat [1]
Considering that kelly Clarkson, will young have already hit the world markets its a given they will win.
I support Heinz all the way, he is my Idol.
Watch out next year Anke from SA will be there and she will definilty give Will and Kelly a run for there money.
I like Kelly but to me if i heard her song on the radio i would not be sure if it was her or Alicia Keys or .............. I love Will he is great because he is original and different. I thought alot of the singers were terible I think we need Simon to judge in all the coutries =)
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just my thoughts. -- T, 01:08:33 12/27/03 Sat [1]
I only caught the last hour of the show. Seeing the recaps made me regret that our tv guide gave the start time incorrectly, because mostly I was impressed by everyone. I wish that they would replay the show!
I was impressed by all the singers who sang in a non-native language and I thought Diana's voice was beautiful; her song exotic.
I live in the US. I sure wish that they would show some of the other countries' Idol shows here! I was in Canada for three weeks this summer and was amazed at their show -- in the US, they never even mentioned the Canadian show, and yet, the Canadians apparently got to see ours!
Anyway, given that I missed half the show, I liked the US and Norwegian contestants the best. Having seen Ryan Malcolm (Canada) over the summer, I also liked him. I didn't particularly care for the British contestant's singing, but liked his comment about how these competitions keep one from getting a swelled head.
Of the contestants that I only caught a recap of, I thought South Africa's entry was very good. I hope that they make a World Idol CD, because that may be the only way some of them get US airtime.
Best wishes to all.
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Will Young is my Idol -- CrossOver, 19:22:27 12/26/03 Fri [1]
The gay community around the world are going nuts, voting for the star, Will Young. I am a heterosexual woman but will vote for Will, my ultimate favourite for World Idol. Thank goodness he sang brilliantly. And to the Polish judge who said he sings like Mr Bean, I say- you LOOK like Mr Bean, just a bit uglier.

Will YOung has a lot of support and I hope that he achieves at least a Top3 spot. I think he has an ultra-cool voice and he exudes personality. This personality is confidence (and he aint too over-confident) and he is a gentleman. If anyone told me I sing like Mr Bean, even though I know I'm world class, I'd bash back calling the bum an idiot. But Will took it in stride, replying, "Thank you very much Sir"- can one call the idiot a Sir, did you see how he was up in arms, screaming like and idiot for God-knows-what. No wonder the Polish winner, Alex is such a big mouth. I think they suit each other.
I like Simon Cowell comparing some singers on the catgory of racehorses to donkeys. I appreciate Randall Abrahams, who has immaculate knowledge on music, and what was Pete Waterman on about saying the South African Heinz lacked compassion. And doubly Simon, agrees with him, saying he got "Film star good looks, great voice, but not what the Australian guy has"- I think that was unfair.
So, I've voted twenty times for Will and five times for Peter. I voted once each for Kurt, Heinz and the Arabian gal, Diana. I think her voice is very pure...
Anyways, I hope Will takes it. He was the first Pop Idol, and deservingly should win World. I hope it happens- light my fire baby!
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WOW, America WILL VOTE FOR Kurt! -- Tammy, 11:20:12 12/26/03 Fri [2]
I was absoultely in awe by the magnificent projection of Kurt. I know he may look like a "hobbit" as UK judge Pete Waterman told him, but his voice absoultely blew me away. In the end of the show, as I tried to vote for him, the fone was engaged for a full two hours before I could get through. FOX reports that viewership ratings were outstanding, as World Idol grabbed over 17 million viewers, growing on the hour to 19.6 million.
The lines are toll-free in America, so remember to vote or Text vote. Kurt will win America's leg, but I hope Kelly wins it overall!
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My idols -- Sarah, 12:18:31 12/26/03 Fri [3]
When Alexander opened the show, I thought I was watching a bad soundmix-show, I hope he can do better then this, otherwise, I'm very disappointed by the Germans... Guy Sebastian and Jamai didn't impress me, Kelly and Will are obviously products of the american and brittish consumation society, easy to swallow, and I can't see what people see in Heinz, obviously bad taste...
Alex impressed me with her maturity (she really stood there!!), and Ryan and Diana were not too bad either...
But the real winners are...
Peter Evrard and Kurt Nilsen of course... They obviously can sing and they impressed by staying true to themselves... I don't think one of them will win (and honestly, I think it's better that way), but I really do hope that they will get the possibilities to make a big music carreer.
By the way, I hope they showed in every country how Peter had a reply the arrogant and subjective jury !!!
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peter evrard -- just_me, 17:26:57 12/26/03 Fri [1]
did they show in every country the discussion of peter with the judges?
What did you guys thought of it?
And do you prefere a typical world idol or someone else?
my personal top:
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World Idol stats -- Brandon, 19:00:10 12/25/03 Thu [2]
Official list as on
Who'll win World Idol???
Kelly Clarkson is 1st
Guy Sebastian is 2nd
Alex is 3rd
Heinz Wickler is 4th
Will Young is 5th
Let's hope these WILL be the Top5!! Kelly, I think will win.
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I've just checked this website the whole day and finally seeing some activity. So, how was Ryan, our Canadian Idol? -- Lacy MacMahon, 20:58:52 12/24/03 Wed [4]
Hi to South Africa who just watched the show. How was it? I'd like to know what you guys thought of Ryan's performance. He sang "He aint heavy (he's my brother)"- How did he do? What did the judges say about his performance?
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Review of the show -- Brandon, 20:52:07 12/24/03 Wed [5]
Hi to the world. I am quite disappointed with tonight's show and I think Simon put it best "This is not World class"!
The show had at most 6 good singers, namely- Kelly Clarkson, Guy Sebastian, Heinz Winckler, Jamai Loman, Will Young and Kurt Neilson.
The show opened with the introduction of 11 finalists. How interesting it was to see the various shows and features. Biggest impression were Kelly Clarkson ONLY. I was surprised to learn the Canadian Idol came back to the show from the wildcard phase of the competition.
I can't belive it. Alex was atrocious. What a beeeeg mouth. The rock star guy was nice, just nice. This is a Pop show, right? Alexander was almost chopped by a hammer, yes, CHOPPED by a HAMMER! I can't understand how some even won the national competition. It was pathetic, the performances were VERY disappointing. I have to admit that South Africa does have better performers, even the amatuers. But hey, we all differ in taste.
The Judges:
Thumbs up to Simon Cowell for telling that irritating Canadian judge a mouthful. "You are not fit to judge such a competition"- yes, I could not agree more. I have not seen such a childish, immature man as the Polish judge. Screaming, saying Will Young sings like "Mr Bean"- hello? Is he mad? I think the judge with the most professionalism is by far Randall Abrahams. His comments were fair, maturely handled and did ypu notice they showed his comments for all the contestants. His comments were well approached and very accurate. Pete Waterman was also great, and Simon very entertaining. But, that Canadian judge would have been dead if I were next to him. I could not handle the sight of his face on the TV- oooh, it was frustrating.
Kelly must win. Or Will Young. Maybe Guy or Heinz. Possibly Neil- the "darkhorse" as said by many judges. But the rest have no chance. KELLY CLARKSON should win this, and she will. I've just voted 5 times for her. Her version of "Like a Natural Woman" was superb. Will Young's rendition of "Light my Fire" was very nice. He is a gentleman- very good manners.
That's my review. This year was a bit disappointing. Hopefully, World Idol 2 will be better. And this time, South Africa might have a chance with the dazzling Anke, since she has the best voice I've ever heard, even gives Kelly a run for her money.
Speak to ya'll soon,
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Please, Jamai must win -- Olivier, 19:47:23 12/25/03 Thu [1]
Jamai Loman is the winner of World Idol. He sing very good. I like him alot. I think he will do very well. I like very much Kelly Clarkson who I think will do well too. Please, vote for Jamai Loman in the World Idol competision!
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Voting Numbers ...??????? -- beverley-ann, 18:28:17 12/25/03 Thu [2]
.... can anybody who knows all the IDOLS personal voting numbers ..... PLEASE post it on this forum.
Thanks in anticipation !!!!
Seasons Greetings from SOUTH AFRICA to all the Idols Fans across the world .... may it be a joyous and peaceful time for all.
Kind regards
beverley-ann ... RSA
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Voting -- Ari, 18:43:09 12/25/03 Thu [1]
SMS "KELLY" OR "USA" to 083 92 IDOLS (43657) or call 086 2222 809
SMS "KURT" OR "NORWAY" to 083 92 IDOLS (43657) or call 086 2222 802
*** PLEASE VOTE FOR THESE TWO- these numbers apply to South Africa only!!! PLEASE VOTE, voting closes at 10pm TONITE!!!!
DO NOT VOTE for Peter Evrard (AKA the rock dude)- please.
Miss Final Appealer
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4 days to go!!! -- Krissy (USA), 13:30:06 12/21/03 Sun [5]
I heard South Africa is showing it on 24 December. We are only showing it on Christmas day, meaning that FOX will air the show 1 day later than South Africa... damn...!
Another question: I heard each country is gonna have a different view of the show- that's a really dumb idea if you ask me... It's also very dumb. Congratz to the Brit winner, hope she does UK proud at World Idol 2. I heard World Idol 2 happens next year in August!
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America waits for tonights show! -- PLEASE VOTE FOR KELLY, 18:27:57 12/25/03 Thu [1]
We down to under 5 hours till FOX's presentation of World Idol. Yes, thanks to our beloved South Africans who already watched the show for giving us some wraps on the show. It is really nice when people from all over da world come together and share their thoughts,,,
Remember top vote for Kelly to the people outside the US!!!
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The show -- Thandi Mokwesi, 21:19:27 12/24/03 Wed [2]
I was horrified by the Belgium guy. He sang horrifically, and I though South Africans were bad!!
Next year, Anke will kick ass...
Just a question: How do such pathetic wingers (apart from a few, like Kelly, Will, Heinz, Guy and Kurt) even win these contests. That must mean that singers in other countries are really, really bad! Can't wait for the results. 1 january at 7pm in SA on m-net
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WOW!!! Kelly AMAZED ME- Will Young and Kelly are my two favourited for WORLD IDOL CHAMP -- Rosa, 20:56:27 12/24/03 Wed [2]
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World Unity in .... FINE MUSIC !!! -- beverley-ann, 00:13:18 12/23/03 Tue [2]
This message comes from the beautiful Sunny Country ......
We here in the south are looking forward to celebrating the coming together of 11 very talented artists from around the world .... who will be show-casing their beautiful voices on the 24th & 25th December!!
We hope that in music our countries can form a positive and friendly bond .....
May the winner be .... our unity in FINE MUSIC !!!!
Kind Regards & Best Wishes
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World Idol on FOX -- Krissy, 15:25:58 12/21/03 Sun [1]

Please note these are times on the FOX Television Network. PS- thanks to Ari for listing all the times!!!!
Good luck to one and all. Could South Africans please update us on the show since they'll be the 1st country to watch it?? Any South African's out there, please reply!
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All the shows ::: All the channels :::: All the times -- Ari, 15:22:40 12/21/03 Sun [1]
I searched like a maniac for all information I could get on the screening times, and channels alike for the 2003 World Idols showdown. And so, I hope these are accurate, although some website mark them as subject to change. Now, we can finally stop the posts on "WHEN WILL IT SHOW"
Here we go:
Country/ date/ Time (if available)/ Results date/ channel
Arabic 25 Dec (20.30) 2 Jan FUTURE TV
Australia 26 Dec 2 Jan TEN
Belgium 25 Dec 1 Jan VTM
Canada 25 Dec (20.00) 1 Jan CTV
Germany 25 Dec (20.15) 1 Jan (22.15) RTL
Netherlands 24 Dec 1 Jan RTL4
Norway 28 Dec (20.00) 1 Jan TV2
Poland 27 Dec 1 Jan POLSAT
South Africa 24 Dec (20.00) 1 Jan MNET
UK 25 Dec (20.45) 1 Jan (19.30) ITV1
USA 25 Dec (20.00) 1 Jan (21.00) FOX
If you have further enquiries, please add it here and I will do my best to answer it!
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World Idol on TV -- Rosa, 16:20:20 12/20/03 Sat [2]
When is World Idol going to be seen in Australia? And what time... please help!!! Is it on Christmas Day?
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The first three contestants -- Brandon (Mod4), 16:05:00 12/07/03 Sun [2]
Pop Idol UK- Will Young
Will Young - UK - current odds 3/1 The original 'Idol' from the UK series Pop Idols, Will Young is a 24 year old originally from Berkshire. Before Idol he studies Politics. His debut album was From Now On which has sold over 850,000 copies. He also holds the record for 2nd highest selling single in the UK for Evergreen / Anything Is Possible.
Will has had a bit longer than other contestants to establish himself as an Idol and is being promoted in the British press as being a hot favorite to take our World Idol. His other singles include Don't Let Me Down, Light My Fire / Ain't No Sunshine / Beyond the Sea and Friday's Child.
Websites: AND
Idols South Africa- Heinz Wickler
Heinz Winckler - South Africa - current odds 8/1. 25 year old Heinz was a law student before his Idol journey began. After winning Idols he released his debut single, 'Once in a lifetime' and a debut album, 'One Step Closer'. He beat Brandon October to win the title and sang the song to Walt Disney Motion Pictures "Treasure Planet"
Superstar Pan Arab (Lebanon) - Diana Karazon
Diana Karazon - Lebanon - current odds 20/1 - 19 year old Diana (pictured left) won the Arab version of Idol - Superstar earlier in 2003. Diana is from Jordon and since winning Superstar has released a self titled Album.
Tomorrow: Meet Kelly Clarkson (American Idol), Peter Evrard (Belgium Idols) and Alexander Klaws (German Idol)
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Heinz Winckler is gonna rock -- Brandon (mod4), 15:44:22 12/20/03 Sat [1]
Hi, I've just mailed the official Idols website ( to list this site. Hope they agree!

I dunno if Heinz will win, but my second choice is definitely Kelly Clarkson with Alexander Klaws a firm fave at thrid. I don't think I'll be voting for Will Young or Guy Sebastian or even the Canadian dude- what's his name again.
Here are my fave's... (Kelly and Alexander)

How voting works:
Each country gets to vote using their own voting systems. The home contestant from each participating country (e.g. Will Young in the United Kingdom) will automatically start with the highest points (12) awarded from their own country. Viewers from each country will then vote on the remaining ten contestants and once the votes are tallied and the position of each contestant is determined (1st place, 2nd place etc.) points will be awarded in accordance with the Points System below.
Points System:
Home country contestant - 12 points.
1st place - 10 points.
2nd place - 9 points.
3rd place - 8 points.
4th place - 7 points.
5th place - 6 points.
6th place - 5 points.
7th place - 4 points.
8th place - 3 points.
9th place - 2 points.
10th place - 1 point.
The points each Idol gets from all of the countries will be tallied and added together by an independent vote management company to determine their overall position in the contest.
The show has already been held. The audience went wild, the judges were nice but some, including Simon Cowell (particularly the Canadian judge) were real sourpusses. They had nothing but trash to say!!!
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The awesome 11 -- Veriah, 15:37:00 12/20/03 Sat [1]
I can't wait for the World Idol shou. Diana, we all suport for you. Sorry if English, not to good.

Diana for World Idol 2003.
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APPLY to be a moderator -- Brandon (mod1_), 16:18:18 12/07/03 Sun [1]
Hi World Idol fans,
We humbly request YOU to APPLY to become a moderator for this website. We need one from each country, a total of 14 altogether (we have four from south africa)
If you are interested:
** E-mail chief mod, Brandon --
** Request Moderator Position and tell us in five lines why you like Idols
What are you required to do:
** Supervise the content of this forum
** Remove unsuitable posts on this forum that include bashing, vulgarity, rudeness
** V.I.P postings
Remember, we work on a first-come, first-serve basis. So hurry, closing date fr entries is December 11th (Friday!)
Also, invite your friends to participate in this exclusive forum!
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World Idol 2003- My Top 5! -- Krissy, 15:48:59 12/07/03 Sun [1]
Hi everyone. Thanks to Michelle and Jenna who update me all the time on Idols developments.
My Top 5 for World Idol are:
1) Will Young
2) Guy Sebastian
3) Kelly Clarkson
4) Alicia Janosz
5) Heinz Wickler
-- I do not see how the others have any chance, maybe except for Ryan of Canada, to win this event! Guy and Will are my favourites.
-- Krissy
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When do we meet the contestants -- Sara (UK), 07:03:16 12/05/03 Fri [2]
When do the contestants arrive in the UK for World Idols?
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Idols next door! -- Kandy (Miami, FL, USA), 10:26:22 12/06/03 Sat [2]
Hi everyone. I'm very excited about World Idol 2003.
It will be shown on FOX, 8pm/7c on 24 December 2003- pity we can't vote for Kelly, but I know everyone will be voting for her from South Africa, the UK, Poland, Australia and our border north country, Canada.
To the people who invented this forum- God BLESS!!!
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WOW! Thanx for the site -- Sue Ann (Austarlia), 11:25:50 12/06/03 Sat [1]
Wow, just heard about your site. Guy is really gonna knock your socks off. He is amazing! Austrlia just completed Australian Idol on 19 November. I think South Africa, UK, US and the Pan-Arab as well as Guy will do really well. My bet is on Will Young, since they started this whole shebang!!!
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World Idol; My favourite! -- Kandy (miami,fl, usa), 10:34:54 12/06/03 Sat [1]

KELLY AND WILL- my two all-time favourites for WORLD IDOLS 2003!!!
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